10/17/98 Back Main Poetry Links Guestbook
dude. i am totally and fully depressed with my site. it seems that it only looks it's best on my own damn computer, because here i am not on my own computer and it looks crappy; none of my fonts work and some of the pages are too friggen big for the browser. i had made a point of changing my graphics to be smaller so that the browser wouldn't have to scroll from left to right. however; no matter how much shittier it looks on other computers, i am much happier with it. i will continue to tweak things and stuff, but if you wanna see it at it's best, come over to my place. you know the only reason i started messing with my page again is because i need something to do and i am not able to move furniture around and i drive myself insane by just sitting there doing nothing. anyways, lemme know what you think and keep checking on me. i might have something you haven't read yet. yeah. so there it is, pals. thanks for coming.
Will i ever be more important than the damn Frito-Lay commercial?