Email from Len Martin to Ben Oostdam, July 16, 2001:

... this is a very important article which validates our concerns about
the present make up of the NAS/NRC sludge/biosolids committee which is top heavy with waste industry/WEF/EPA sycophants.

Toxic Chemical Review Process Faulted
Scientists on EPA Advisory Panels Often Have Conflicts of Interest, GAO Says
By Eric Pianin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 16, 2001; Page A02

Scientists and experts who advise the Environmental Protection Agency on a broad range of regulations governing toxic chemicals and air and water quality frequently have ties to the affected industries or other conflicts of interest, according to a new government study.
The General Accounting Office report found serious deficiencies in the EPA's procedures for preventing conflicts of interest and ensuring a proper balance of views among members of Science Advisory Board panels.

continues, for complete article, please press here

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