I have assembled these links in order that computer users everywhere can keep up to date with the programs that are used to "Hack" a computer or compromise security. I do not condone nor shall I be held responsible for the wrongful use of any the  "Tools" found. If you so desire to browse to any of these pages and you see that you need to use one of these programs, be sure to use them on your own computers. For one it will show you just how vulnerable a computer can be, and for another you will experience first hand how frustrating it can be to repair lost or destroyed files. These pages are merely here to provide a means for anyone to understand how security can be compromised, and the drastic effect they have on privacy. 

The internet is becoming a vast playground for anyone to do as they wish. Within these pages you will find "Patches" or "Fixes". They may provide a more secure means of using a computer though they can also cause total chaos. 

The programs found amongst these sites are tools and just that, if a tool is used improperly something is bound to break. 

                                                                                                         PC CIRCUS

Bulletins - Hoaxes - Viruses - Tools
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CERT Coordination Center incident response services
Telstra Corporation 
Searchable archive
Security Administrator's Tool for Analyzing Networks
PC Webopedia Terms relating to security
S e c u r i t y   R e f e r e n c e s SecurNET
Information and insights on how to secure your NT system
Linux Links Security Administration Page and FAQs
Rhino 9 Security Research Team
The makers of BO -  Back Orifice Windows Infiltration tool Utilities - Info - Links
7th Sphere Enterprises
7th Sphere Enterprises
Packet Storm Security
AntiOnline - News - Info - computer security
Jargon related to Hackers
FAQs For Security on the World Wide Web
2600 magazine
Not the same as 2600 magazine This site has FAQs related to Security
Symantec Virus Info
Dr. Solomon's Antivirus 
 Dr. Solomon's Antivirus
COMMAND - Virus Info - Texts - Utilities
L0pht Heavy Industries
 Cooperative Intrusion Detection Evaluation and Response project
Do you have security related news? Please e-mail it to
 ZDNET.COM Info - Links - TV
 More Security Information Links
Security Bulletins 
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