Making of a Champion!
It was June 19, 1999, and Show Day for our three month old Frosty Treat!!
We arrived at the show grounds, and all to soon, we were all called
to ringside. Erica-Jo, our oldest grand daughter, was about to enter the ring for her first time
at showing Frosty.
Neither of them had practiced together. Except for his learning how to walk on a leash, and E-J watching
other exhibitors this morning, it was a new experience for everyone!
Erica-Jo putting Frosty on the table!

It was time for Frosty to learn to stand on a table!
Finally his coat is growing longer in places, and he's behaving
very well for a four-month-old puppy!
To this day, every time he walks past the patio table,
he tries to jump onto it!

All was well until my knee gave out at the Oct. 1999 Freehold, NJ show where he won his
first big win, Best Male from Judge Richard Yates! He spent the winter playing and just being a puppy!
Three months later, Erica-Jo stepped in to
help continue Frosty's training. She had to learn how to handle him,
but he was patient, and even showed her how fast to run!
Here they run in class, in front of Barbara and her Pom!

Frosty raked in points at the CT Pit Bull Club show in Clinton CT, however
there was no competition. The points put him well over the amount needed for his
Championship. Judge Richard Yates is shown going over him on the table.

The next show was back to Freehold, NJ, where EJ showed Frosty in front of
Judge John Davidson, who gave him Reserve Best Male. They were only in the
one show as we were on the way to visit family and couldn't spend the entire day!

Trying our luck in AKC at the July 2000 Naugatuck Valley KC show in
Springfield, MA. What an experience! Frosty took BOB, so we immediately
went to the photographer's booth to record the win!

The July 2000, Finger Lakes Show in NY was the last show we had planned for the summer.
Frosty does not like the heat, and he has lots of undercoat. Judge Donna Blews
presented him with Best of Winners, which is considered his second competitive
win under a second judge. This fulfilled the UKC requirements for his Championship!

The ribbon that gave Frosty the win!

All of our family would like to extend our heartfelt THANKS to many people who have
helped make "PR" Doran's Irish Frosty Treat a UKC Champion ~~~
Donna Blews, Richard Yates, Pat O'Donnell,
John Davidson, Karla Cole, Sandra Drake, Karen Brancheau;
Chris Davies, Beginning Obedience,
Sara Gregware and Kathi Fragione!

Why I decided to show Frosty and give
him the opportunity to become a UKC Champion:
A Title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog,
an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory
for about as long as anything in this world can remain. Few humans
will do as well or better in that regard. And though the dog himself
doesn't know or care that his achievements have been noted, a Title says
many things in the world of humans, where such things count.
A Title says your dog was intelligent, and adaptable, and good-natured.
It says your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, however
crazy they may have sometimes seemed. And a Title says that you loved your
dog, that you loved to spend time with him because he was a good dog, and
that you believed in him enough to give him yet another chance when he
failed, and that in the end your faith was justified.
A Title proves that your dog inspired you to have the special relationship
enjoyed by so few, that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a
Title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return. And when that dear
short life is over, the Title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the
best you can give to a deserving friend, volumes of praise in one small set
of initials before or after the name.
A Title is nothing less than love and respect,
given and received permanently.
This was written by Sandy Mowry, and was published in
"Front and Finish," the obedience newspaper.
Now we're entering the AKC shows,
hoping that he will soon get his AKC Championship!

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