Blue Ridge Ski Council Please Be Aware that all trip sanctions must be approved by a club officer.  A $10 fee for posting is due upon approval.

Upon approval notification please send $10 to:
Candy Levin
BRSC Treasurer
3436 Bannerwood Dr.
Annandale  VA  22003-1221

Trip Sanction Form

Please provide the following contact information:
Club sponsoring trip:
Trip Leader's Name
Club Position:
Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
Home Phone

If you have a web page already, enter it here and you are done!

Web Page for Trip

otherwise CONTINUE 

Please Provide the following Trip information:


Trip Dates

Club officer authorizing trip (include title)

Trip Cost: Single/Double/Triple/Quad

Trip leaders Qualifications:


Land Package Includes:

Land only price

Lodging Type

Proximity to slopes

Trip amenities (include as much information as you can)

Any additional information for the Webmaster:

Wayne R. Homens
Blue Ridge Ski Council

Copyright © 2000 Blue Ridge Ski Council. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 09, 2000