Human Sexuality is part of God's creation. Human sexuality and reproduction are two different processes quite distinct from one another. Acceptance of the male by the female for impregnation is caused automatically once a month by the cyclical elevation of sex hormone levels in the blood. Furthermore with the introduction of reproductory technologies reproduction is no longer inter-course dependent. The mere fact that a couple are Parents does not mean that they are in a sexual relationship.

Sexuality means the process which create a sexual arousal at any time by inter-acting with a partner. This process depends on the compatibility of the Souls of the two partners, which create Emotions of Love or Compassion and activate the Rejuvenating Anabolic Process through production of Steroid Sex Hormones.

The Inborn Sexuality varies from person to person as much as other characteristics. The Soul and the Genome are the foundation of a person's sexuality. The Spirit and the Conscience can impose alterations and controls to this foundation.These alterations and controls are referred to as Inhibitions. The Spirit can accquire multiple personalities and a inhibited person cab create a new sexual personality in the Spirit seperate from the Inhibited Personality. This condition is known as Disinhibition or Sex-Mania. A Disinhibited person too cannot have sex as the Inhibited Personality comes to surface whenever they get into a sexual situation.

In practice a person's sexuality can be Uninhibited, Inhibited or Disinhibited. An Uninhibited person is Normal and would display the Inborn Sexuality. An Inhibited person is completely sexualy dysfunctional to the extent that they will be offended by any type of sexual behavior or material. A sexualy Disinhibited person is Sexualy Deviante. Deviante sexual behavior is highly limited in actual sexual activity and is more a Psychological exercise involving Sado-Masochism and Substance Abuse. Such behavior can be Hetero-Reverse or Homo and would still depend on the Inborn Sexuality. Only uninhibited people are Hetero-sexual and can have real sex. Hetero-sexuality activate Rejuvenation of body tissues and keep people very healthy. All other relationships cause sickness.


The main factor of a person's sexuality is the Libido, the Sexual Capacity which ranges from Low to High. Cholesterol level in the blood is an indication of the Libido. A Cholesterol level of over 6.0 would indicate a very high Libido.

Next important factor is how Polygamous a person is. Love and Compassion is activated At Sight and the Degree to which people find other people attractive varies. Some would feel Love or Compassion for practically every person they meet and others to lesser degreees.

Third important factor is the Type of Sexual Activity a person likes. Each person would have likes and dislikes with regard to How they meet Partners, Number of Partners,Sexual Positions,Settings,Durations of the different Stages etc.

Fourth important factor is the Eroto-genic Zones of the Body, the Foreplay and Afterplay all of which varies from person to person.

All this variety makes Human Sexuality a very interesting voyage of discovery.

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