Birding Trips

With more than 850 species of birds in a territory the size of West Virginia,  Costa  Rica  has lately become  an  ideal  destination  for those who take birding seriously or just as a hobby.

Serious  or  not,  the  birders  find in Costa  Rica  he  excitement  and fun given  by   the   exitement   frecuent sightings  of  the  most  colorful  and attractive birds of the tropics...
or  by  the  voices and movements of the  small secretive ones that live on the  thick  shrubs  or  the  masters of camouflage from the dense foliage of the rainforest's canopy...
Best Adventures Travel Offers:

- Totally   personalized   itineraries    for    groups   or   individuals to the top birding sites in Costa Rica.

- All the transportation, lodging, meals, entrance  fees and    guided   visits   to   National   Parks   and   other reserves.

- Expert  Guides with great knowledge and experience in the subject.

- The best prices in the market.

 Give it a try and check our special rates for groups!
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