District III's Hot News

Flooding Hits Korea
Post 10215 and Post 9985
Go Above and Beyond the Call

We would like to recognize Post 10215 and Post 9985, for a job well done during the recent flooding in Korea. Even though their own Post's Home were severly damaged during the flood, along with several of there own members sustaining damage to their personal property.

The went out to the cries of the local Korean and American community with high support. Helping recover damage items, clean house, businesses and so forth. Also, both Posts donated several thousands of dollars worth of food and drinks to help out those cleaning up in the process.

Due to their unselfishness and determination, they made it easier for their local areas to survive and recover from this diaster.

On behalf of District III, I would like to salute both Posts for a "Job Well Done". Your courage and self-dedication is what gives the Veterans of Foreign Wars, it's great name.

James Mayo
District Commander

District Webmaster