Twitsville Part 2

Since so many friends keep asking about Twitsville, I decided to write another page with updates!
Something is going on there all the time. Just have to make sure it's rated G for family reading. LOL

The Room ~ Because we have been packed in one room like sardines ~ a new room is being built. It is off our room ~ into the warehouse.
We have worked while carpenter guys are walking on our ceiling, painting walls, wiring, sanding, sawing, and hammering. We should be wearing hard hats, and ear plugs!
One day we were sitting there working, and I happened to look up ~ you couldn't see across the room ~ nothing but dust from them sanding the sheet rock!
We have four people with really bad allergies ~ out the door we all flew! They did their best to "seal" us off at the point. Taping around the door and stuff.
Now we have half a wall knocked out. With no heat in the new room yet! They hung plastic ~ supposed to keep our heat in ~ don't think so! Now we dress in layers ~ sweatshirts to keep warm ~ and to peel off in the afternoon when it finally gets warm in there!
I can't remember when they started to build this room. Do remember it was only going to take a few weeks to complete though. Been a few months!
They are almost done ~ carpet has to be put down ~ desks and computers put in ~ and then us!
It will be really nice having everyone in one area ~ instead of spread throughout the building.
Each morning all of us check the progress ~ and pray it will be over soon!


Dogs ~ They are still running around!
Lately, Sinbad .. the little male Pomerian .. has been making daily runs into our office! We can hear the bells on his collar as he comes flying through the door! His owner decided bells were a good idea ~ so she could find him!
We all give him a squeeze, and then someone catches him and returns him to his "room"! Since he goes to the groomer once every couple of weeks, his fur is so soft and fluffy. Feels like holding a soft powder puff!
The Rottweiler has been by quite a bit lately. She is growing up fast. At that long legged stage! She loves peeking in and seeing what the Poms are doing. They take one look at her, and start growling. Then she runs like mad down the hall! Scared to death of them! They had me laughing so hard one afternoon. Watching these little bitty dogs growling at Darcey ~ who could inhale them without noticing! But they guarded their room with an attitude!

Food ~ We are still eating!
Besides the usual crackers, veggies, and bagels ~ we decided that the last Friday of each month would be a good day for a potluck. Each month we pick a different theme ~ Italian - Chinese - etc.
March it was Italian. We have some darn good cooks working here! We had all kinds of goodies to eat ~ and eat ~ we did!
Officially ~ lunch is at 12 noon ~ but we start sampling everything around 10am! By 2pm ~ nothing but empty bowls and plates. With all of us swearing we will never eat again!
Our diets are on vacation for that day! We had every type of pasta known to mankind ~ salads ~ desserts ~ sausage grilled with peppers ~ garlic bread ~ all kinds of yummy stuff.
While we were eating, we discussed what to bring for the next one! When it comes to food, there is alot planning involved!
We are hoping there will be a spot in the new room for a large table ~ buffet! But then ~ we never seem to have a problem finding a spot to set up! We have this down to a science now.
All of Accounts Payable and Receiveable join together for the potluck. Even the owner brings in food! He always has something to bring in to us. Guess he believes in keeping the "troops" happy!
By the way, we have discovered Triscuits! Garden Herb flavor ... yummy stuff! Especially good with cream cheese.
Also, Ritz crackers with cheese ... also very tastey!
Just thought I'd share this information with you!! LOL

Cats ~ We've been having problems lately with our cats.
We found two newborn kittens dead, and one adult cat was found next door. Since these are feral cats, its hard to tell what is going on with all of them.
Momma cat is still getting fat, and we are keeping an eye on her.
They have their favorite cars that they like to sleep on! We go outside for our morning ciggie break, and find two cats stretched out in the warm sun on top of the hood! This is considered quite an honor where I work! Your car has been "chosen"! Cat prints are considered badges!
The last batch of kittens are growing up nicely. They were all at work awhile back ~ vet check! Mine was very happy in her crate, or on my lap. Got scared when I put her in the "kitty condo".
I was carrying her into another room when someone turned on the paper shredder ~ freaked her out!
All of the kittens looked loved and healthy.
There was one that had a really rough start in life, but he is doing just great now.
It's a good thing we have a big turn-over in personnel ~ always new homes for up coming litters!
Knowing me ~ I'll probably fall in love with one of the new kittens. At this point, what's one more kitten running around my house!

Misc ~ Here is some information about Twitsville that doesn't fit into the other sections!
Our offices/warehouse are right next door to a gravel/rock/asphalt quarry!
As a result of that, a clean car on Monday ~ is a mess on Wednesday! Dust covers it!
Also, the best part of having a quarry next door ~ the trucks hit our building! First few times it happened ~ thought it was an earthquake, but no one seemed concerned. You will be sitting at your desk .... wham! The building is jarred!

Sometimes you'll be sitting there, and things start to vibrate! Makes looking at your computer screen a new experience. During the summer ~ the dust from that place is awful. Surprised I don't see tumbleweeds rolling through the parking lot!
Working in the California Dust Bowl! LOL

We also have trains near by. They are no problem ~ except when trying to drive across the tracks, and you have to wait for one. Kind of neat hearing the train whistle when you are snug at your desk.
We also have the airplanes from SFO Airport!

Now these can be darn annoying!
We are really close to the airport, so the planes are still pretty low ~ right over our heads!
On breaks or lunch time ~ we start screaming to be heard over the dang things. Can almost see faces looking out the windows! We usually just give up ~ and wait for it to go over.
Also, helicopters flying around. So much activity ~ one morning I even saw some geese flying overhead!

So now we have cats, dogs, food, birthday parties, planes, trucks, helicopters, and trains. AND YOU WONDER WHY I CALL THIS PLACE TWITSVILLE!!! LOL

This place is so unique ~ took me years to find it!!
I will be continually updating my Twit pages.

It has been suggested that I talk to everyone, and try to have interviews on these pages. Think I will check that out.

You still haven't met the twits! hee hee ..... hmmmmm.

FINAL UPDATE ~ As of April 26th ~ I stopped working here. I'm still hearing about it though! So if anything really interesting happens ~ I'll let you know!