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Rev. William J. McCaffery is an ordained Elder in the North Central New York (NCNY) Conference of the United Methodist Church, and an Associate Member of the National Association of United Methodist Evangelists (NAUME). Currently serving as Pastor of First United Methodist Church in Minoa, NY, Rev. McCaffery is prepared to assist his brother and sister pastors and their congregations in the ministry of evangelism.

Rev. McCaffery began preaching at the age of 16, and has been serving churches since 1983. Beyond the local church, he served as a regional Chairman for the Minister's Committee for the 1990 Billy Graham Crusade in Albany, NY. He is currently serving as Chairperson for the NCNY Conference Vision 2000 Worship/Sunday School Attendance Crusade. Rev. McCaffery is Evangelism Coordinator for the Seven Valleys District, a member of the Conference Board of Discipleship Evangelism Committee, and a member of the Northeastern Jurisdictional Board of Discipleship Evangelism Committee.

Through Evangelism Ministries, Rev. McCaffery is determined to fulfill God's call in his life by helping to equip the saints for the work of evangelism, win the lost for Jesus Christ, and share the burden for revival in God's Church.