How I Became Pretty

How I Became Pretty

Erica D. Boehme Aug.22, 2000

When I was a girl
of ten, maybe nine
I really saw myself in a mirror
and said, "Damn! I'm Fine!"
Something I'd only
heard from my mother
and for the next few years
from nobody other
I thought myself decent then
well, I was okay
but never really thought about it
at the end of the day who were perfectly fine
with reducing me down I learned very fast
just how cruel kids can be
so I promised myself, one day
I make them all see
and maybe it was through just
sheer determination
but I put myself
up on my own pedestle
and settled into my station
I began to stop caring
what others could say
and stuffed it all in
for paybacks on a "rainy" day
I found one or two others
of like mind and will
and tried to bide my time
and in the time being
found myself, my passions
and my skills
I never had those before
I was shocked
and yet, not
isn't this just what I wanted
if not, then what?
the year came to an end
I said goodbye to some friends
not knowing what in store
for next year
boy, was it more!
I returned a year later
two years smarter
and looking much better
someone finally said that to me
yeah, even someone
who didn't really know me
because now as I came back
I knew myself
I knew their lack
and here I was
a Goddess among pawns
who spent all their days here
with the manicured lawns
and the minut little brains
what a time I was to have
it was a great place to play
even with the next year arriving
I knew I'd do more
then just a little surviving
I stalked the halls
as they bumbed into the walls
they gave us so much shit
(little minds can throw big fits)
over nothing
over living (and we lived!)
over dressing and believing
but nothing could diminish
the pure glory -or pity-
of the last day of my sentence
when a gorgeous
little freshman walks up to me and says
"I just wanted to tell you,
I think you're really pretty."

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