The Plain Truth

When people say they have notheing to live for,
I ask them Why?

When people say that their life is over and ended,
I ask Why?

When people tell me that their life is empty,
I just have to ask Why.
Why do you let sorrows bring you to your knees,
Why do you not tell fear and anger ado
Why do you allow guilt, vanity, greed, and hatefulness to fill your life?

It has to be the Ultimate,
The question all souls ask in that moment between life and death,
When dreams come true.
For the plain truth is this:
Hate, greed, hunger, poverty,
These are man-made sorrows.
They are the sinews that hold us back and keep us from truly living.
Fear, vanity, stress,
They are made-up.
Non-existent fantisies with a life that we gladly feed.
They are fake.

People tell me they have nothing to live for;

People tell me that their lives are empty;
Try Living.

People say their lives are over and ended,
And I tell them.......Live.

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