Under The Pink

Pretty Good Year

Tears on the sleeve of a man don't wanna be a boy today heard the eternal footman bought himself a bike to race and Greg he writes letters and burns his CDs they say you were something in those formative years well hold on to nothing as fast as you can well still pretty good year

Maybe a bright sandy beach is gonna bring you back maybe not so now you're off you're gonna see America well let me tell you something about America pretty good year some things are melting now well what's it gonna take till my baby's alright

and Greg he writes letters with his birthday pen sometimes he's aware that they're drawing him in Lucy was pretty your best friend agreed well still pretty good year

"moutain biking became a major event

in my life for a week. the mud was

so thick on the tires

we got there just in time to feel

the mountain thaw, the sound

when these two merged was something

like 'thclupleekooh' i said on an

intake of breath with no lips moving

and no throat usage, i like this word

and i liked the idea of the eternal

footman saying 'asta' on a mountain bike"


God sometimes you just don't come through God sometimes you just don't come through do you need a woman to look after you God sometimes you just don't come through

You make pretty daisies pretty daisies love I gotta find what you're doing about things here a few witches burning gets a little toasty here I gotta find why you always go when the wind blows tell me you're crazy maybe then I'll understand you got your 9 iron in the back seat just in case heard you've gone south well babe you love your new 4 wheel I gotta find why you always go when the wind blows

Will you even tell her if you decide to make the sky fall will you even tell her if you decide to make the sky

"lemons and burnt oranges would

come barreling down the skyway

on the draw if the dark grey

cats didn't open up and let

those girls twirl in their fluffy

new dresses"

Bells For Her

and through the portal and there goes her friend on her Nishiki it's out of time and through the portal they can make amends

hey would you say whatever we're blanket friends can't stop what's coming can't stop what is on it's way

and through the walls they made their mudpies I've got your mind I said she said I've your voice I said you don't need my voice girl you have your own but you never thought it was enough of so they went years and years like sisters blanket girls always there through that and this there's nothing we cannot ever fix I said

can't stop what's coming can't stop what is on its way Bells and footfalls and soldiers and dolls brothers and lovers she and I were now she seems to be sand under his shoes there's nothing I can do can't stop what's coming can't stop what is on its way

and now I speak to you all you in there you have her face and her eyes but you are not her and we go at each other like blank ettes who can't find their thread and their bare

"sometimes but not very often

i journey to this place of bells

i know i'm there when i

see blue floodlights and i have

no hunger for anything, husks

of wedding dresses, horse carts, silver

liberty churches-anything that i associate

with bells remains unharvested until

when i journey to this dimension

of bells where i hear them like they've never tasted before"

Past the Mission

I don't believe I went too far I said I was willing she said she knew what my book did not I thought she knew what's up

Past the mission behind the prison tower past the mission I once knew a hot girl past the mission they're closing every hour past the mission and I smell the roses

She said they all think they know him well she knew him better everyone wanted something from him I did too but I shut my mouth he just gave me a smile

Hey they found a body not sure it was his still they're using his name and she gave him shelter and somewhere I know she knows somethings only she knows

"directions were always interesting...

'o.k. honey what you gotta do is you know the Wal-Mart?

well keep going soon you'll see a

road across from the chevron

take a left and follow that

road till you see a bright

turquoisey painted bird house

it's right after the creek at

the bird house it's not the first

dirt road but the second go on

down past the mission

and you wanna take a right

and you can't miss it'"

Baker Baker

Baker Baker baking a cake make me a day make me whole again and I wonder what's in a day what's in your cake this time

I guess you heard he's gone to L.A. he says that behind my eyes I'm hiding and he tells me I pushed him away that my hearts been hard to find

here there must be something here there must be something here here

Baker Baker can you explain if truly his heart was made of icing and I wonder how mine could taste maybe we could change his mind

I know you're late for your next parade you came to make sure that I'm not running well I ran from him in all kinds of ways guess it was his turn this time

time thought I'd make friends with time thought we'd be flying maybe not this time

Baker Baker baking a cake make me a day make me whole again and I wonder if he's okay if you see him say hi

"there's a stream that

runs up in the rockies

and it runs into a bigger

stream and finally makes

it's way to a river but

never the ocean and i

was thinking about being whole

again and that you don't

have to make it to the ocean

to be whole again maybe you

freeze and become a snow witch or maybe a sandwich and melt

away that's o.k. i think"

The Wrong Band

I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band oh oh Ginger is always sincere just not to one man oh oh she called me up and she said you know that i'm drowning it's the dog trainer again he says that he thinks that she needs more hands

I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band oh oh Senator let's be sincere as much as you can oh oh he called her up and he said the new prosecutor soon will be wanting a word so she's got a soft spot for heels and spurs and there's something believin in her voice again said there's something believin in instead of just leavin instead of just leavin

And she gets her cigars from a sweet fat man I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band oh oh Heidi says she'll be sincere as much as she can oh oh I called her up and I said you know that I'm drowning put on your raincoat again cause even the sun's got a price on it and there's something believin in her voice again said there's something believin in instead of just leavin instead of just leavin instead of just leavin

She said it's time I open my eyes don't be afraid to open your eyes maybe she's right maybe she's right maybe she's right

"orchards are simple

a peach tree says

'some of me will be juicy

and some of me will be dry i'm

not growing for you i grow

because that's what i do'

you always hear some person

complain about how dry

their peach is and the peach says

'it's not our fault you have

no understanding on the proper use for

dry peaches'"

The Waitress

So I want to kill this waitress She's worked here a year longer than I If I did it fast you know that's an act of kindness

But I believe in peace Bitch I believe in peace

I want to kill this waitress I can't believe this violence in my mind and is her power all in her club sandwich

I want to kill this killing wish they're too many stars and not enough sky Boys all think she's living kindness ask a fellow waitress ask a fellow waitress

"condiments are my favourite thing

sometimes when i was lonely

i'd line up all the condiments

and pound them on the table

and let them applaud me

adding confidence to my

dishes before they

get cooked"

Cornflake Girl

Never was a cornflake girl thought that was a good solution hangin with the raising girls she's gone to the other side givin us a yo heave ho things are getting kind of gross and I go at sleepy time this is not really this is not really happening you bet your life it is

Peel out the watchword just peel out the watchword

She know what's goin on seems we got a cheaper feel now all the sweeteaze are gone gone to the other side with my encyclopedia they musta paid her a nice price she's puttin on her string bean love this is not really this is not really happening you bet your life it is

Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl and the man with the golden gun thinks he knows so much thinks he knows so much yes Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl

"history has recorded

some pretty nasty things

that have happened to

people i think we

remember i think it's

in our cells and i think

it can still hurt sometimes"


Icicle Icicle where are you going where are you going I have a hiding place when spring marches in will you keep watch for me I hear them calling gonna lay down gonna lay down

greeting the monster in our Easter dresses Father says bow your head like the Good Book says well I think the Good Book is missing some pages gonna lay down gonna lay down

and when my hand touches myself I can finally rest my head and when they say 'take of his body' I think I'll take from mine instead

Getting Off Getting Off while they're all downstairs singing prayers sing away he's in my pumpkin p.j.'s lay your book on my chest feel the word feel the word feel the word and feel it

I could have I should have I could have flown you know well I could have I should have I didn't so

"sakura sakura

yayoi no sora wa

miwatasu kagiri

i dreamed things

were frozen in ice

songs and other dreams

and the ice can carry

secret messages

that warm a little girl's heart"

Cloud on my Tongue

Someone's knockin on my kitchen door leave the wood outside what all the girls here are freezing cold leave me with your Borneo I don't need much to keep me warm

don't stop now what you're doin what you're doin my ugly one Bring them all here hard to hide a hundred girls in your hair it won't be fair if I hate her if I ate her you can go now

You're already in there I'll be wearing your tatoo you're already in there

Got a cloud sleeping on my tongue he goes then it goes and kiss the violets as they're waking up

Leave me with your Borneo leave me the way I was before

You're already in there I'll be wearing your tatoo I'm already in circles and circles and cirlces again the girl's in circles and circles got to stop spinning circles and circles and circles again thought I was over the bridge now

"i crawled up in

a flower when this

one was being written

it was safe there

and i wasn't ready

to let this one in too

deep it was already too close"


Way to go Mr.Microphone show us all what you don't know centuries secret societies he's our commander still space dog

so sure we were on to something your feet are finally on the ground he said so sure we were on something your feet are just on the ground girl

rain and snow our engines have been recieving your eager call there's Colonel Dirtyfishydishclost he'll distract her good don't worry so

and to the one you thought was on your side she can't understand she truly believes the lie

Lemon Pie he's coming through our commander still Space dog lines secure Space dog

Deck the halls I'm young again I'm you again racing turtles the grapefruit is winning seems I keep getting this story twisted so where's Neil when you need him deck the halls it's you again it's you again somewhere someone must know the ending is she still pissing in the river now heard she'd gone moved in to a trailer park

so sure those girls now are in the Navy those bombs our friends can't even hurt you now and hold those tears cause they're still on your side don't hear the dogs barking don't say you know we've gone Andromeda stood with those girls before the hair in pairs it just got nasty and now those girls are gone

"flying over chicago

from new mexico

i heard him-him who

lives near 7 eleven

fork in hand at a dead dinner table

staring at the peas on his plate

going 'come in lemon pie

do you read me do you read me

beam me up get me out of this place

i can't have their genes in me

come in lemon pie'-i read you buddy"

Yes, Anastasia

I know what you want the magpies have come if you know me so well then tell me which hand I use

Make them go make it go

Saw her there in a restaurant Poppy don't go I know your mother is a good one but Poppy don't go I'll take you home show me the things I've been missing show me the ways I've forgot to be speaking show me the ways to get back to the garden show me the ways to get around get around show me the ways to button up buttons that have forgotten their buttons well we can't have that forgetting that

girls girls what have we done what have we done to ourselves yes driving on the vine over clothes lines but officer I saw the sign thought I'd been through this in 1919 counting the tears of ten thousand men and gathered them all but my feet are slipping there's something we left on the windowsill there's something we left yes

We'll see how brave you are we'll see how fast you'll be running we'll see how brave you are yes, Anastasia and all your dollies have friends

Thought she deserved no less than she'd give well happy birthday her blood's on my hands it's kind of a shame cause I did like that dress it's funny the things that you find in the rain the things that you find in the mall and in the datemines in the knots still in her hair on the bus I'm on my way down on my way down all the girls seem to be there

Come along now little darlin' come along now with me come along now little darlin' we'll see how brave you are

"i hope i told your

story correctly my friend

so many codes it was hard

for me to decipher

but i believe anastasia's story

is everyone's in a way she

tried to tell me that and i

blew her off"