Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel

Charles "Lucky" Luciano

La Cosa Nostra???

Wiseguys,the mafia,players,yakuza,the black hand-in many cultures throughout the 20th Century Organized Crime has been a combination of myth,murder and mystery.The mob has always been in the Public Eye from Al Capone running Chicago to Robert DiNiro portraying him in the Untouchables. Recommended Mob Movies-The Godfather 1 & 2,Casino, Donnie Brasco,Bugsy,the Untouchables,Goodfellas,Copland,Scarface. Disapointing Mob Flicks-Hoodlum,Mobsters,Miller's Crossing,Godfather 3

Sleeps with the fishes

The Sopranos: Home page of the HBO Jersey clan
The Godfather Trilogy: Site dedicated to the Corleone epic saga The truth behind the myth
That Life: Photos of crimescenes and other mob stuff
Finest Kind: Comic Books,Film,Video Games,Wrestling