The recordings of Parmeruds music is presently avaliable on four releases However only the two latest are possible to order and buy. Because the distributors are still not on the net, the simplest way to get the recordings is by ordering them directely from the distributor. Music by Parmerud is also released on a number of anthologies as well as on the records of other artists. To obtain more information on how to order and for cover photos, simply follow the links.
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CD:s and Vinyl records by Åke ParmerudYttringar : Tonart 17 (1984) VinylMaze/Yàn: CAP 1320 (1987) Vinyl Invisible Music: PSCD 72 (1995) CD Grains of Voices : CAP (1997) CD
Other works by Åke ParmerudStrings & Shadows: On a CD by Danish/Chile harpist Sofia Ascuncion ClaroRepulse, Krén, Yàn & others: released on Bourges line of CD:s String Quartet: Released on Ars Electronica CD Out of Sight: Released on Fylkingen Records Tangent, Strings & Shadows: On a Phono Suecia Anthology of swedish liveelectronics Repulse: On the anthology Electroacoustic Music In Sweden