Recent and upcoming Events

Updated July 13 -99

• Finalizing of the new piece for guitar and computer is almost
 finished. The piece will be premiered by renowned Mats Bergström 
 for whom the piece is written. Premiere will be during the GAS
 festival (Göteborg Art Sounds) in october 1999.

• The CEMAMU project has got a completely new turn. Plans are now to
 make a large multimedia project focused on the Subway system of
 Paris.The projects involves a open internet "soundmill" where people
 interested can drop there own subway sounds to be included in the
 project. Swedish photographer Marianne Ström (living in Paris) who has
 photographed the subway system of more than 50 big citys around the
 world will collaborate on the slideshow for the manifesting event; a
 live interactive performance where the subway system controls the flow
 of music and images in realtime!

• A new sound installation called "Sonic Park I" for the Gunnebo Castle
  gardens will be open 20-22:nd august 1999. 40 channels of sound
  projected as 5 octophonic groups will be distributed over more than
  500 m2. 

• The "Sound Riot Remix" (20 years of Swedish electro-acoustic music,
 remixed by Åke Parmerud) has been delayed because of the long
 production time of the guitar piece. Sound Riot Remix will hopefully
 be finished during the autumn. If all goes well it will be released by
 Asphodel during 2000. 

• The annual outdoor sound & light concert at Gunnebo Castle will take
  place the 21:st of august. This year (if the wether behaves) the
 concert will include 40 dancers with torches, singers, spectacular
 light and of course a lot of exciting electroacoustic music in an
 outdoor enviroment that offers the best possible soundprojection.

• A new commission by GMEB will be realized during october in
• "Target" the piece for tape and fireworks, will be performed in
  Växjö-Sweden 11th of september together with Anders Blomqvist.

• "Inside Looking Out" for chamber orchestra and computer will be
  performed in a new version with interactive improvisations and
  indoors fireworks in Västerås-Sweden the 2:nd of december.
  Performance with Anders Blomqvist.

• A commission to make sounddesign and music for a large dance-
multimedia performance is on for Ultima festival in Oslo/Norway in the
 autumn of 2000. Planning and research has already started with
 Canadian artist/choreographer Pierre-Paul Savoi, who is the initator
 and artistic leader of the project.

• A new shortfilm about "dancing trees" is being produced in
  collaboration with danish director Dan Säll. Premiere is planned for
  spring 2000.

• Funds for a new collaboration with danish multimedia company
 "Boxiganga Theater" has been granted. Production of a new CD-ROM will
  be announced later. 

• The X-files and MaxDSP system is constantly growing. More than 200
  objects are working. Plans are to apply for funds for documenting and
  wrapping up the system so others can take advantage of it.
  Anyone interested in using the collection of objects "as is" can
  contact me.

Planned productions and events for 2000:

• New dance project.
• New piece for piano, percussion and interactive computer.
• A new documentary film.
• Release of "Sound Riot Remix"
• Direct collaborations with different musicians to create an 
"interactive music workshop".
• Public release of X-files & MaxDSP.
• Initiation of a new interactive video project.

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