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The X-files is a software development project that I have been working on in periods for the last three years. At this point in time it consists of close to a hundred different objects. They consist of a collection of MIDI and DSP objects developed to work in the MAX/MSP software enviroment. The objects works just like any other MAX-objects i.e. they can be patched together in a modular fashion using "patchcords" to connect inputs and outputs of audio or controlsignals. This makes the objects very flexible and powerful giving the user full control of their funcionality. What makes the X-files differ from the standard set of MAX/MSP objects is that they all live on a high level of funcionality containing userfriendly graphical interfaces witch makes it very easy to build complex instruments in a very short time. This functionalty combined with a "slick" look, can help the user save time in the studio at the same time as the handling of the objects becomes pleasant. These objects was developed for my own work (and way of thinking) but are still mostly kept on a very general level witch could make them quite attractive for other users as well. Especially for students these tools could simplify the understanding of certain audio techniques as well as the possibilitys of MIDI other than those offered by most commercial sequensers. X-files are planned be put on the web during the autumn of 1999. Keep your eyes on the IRCAM site or at some of the mirror sites offering FTP access to MAX-patches. The X-files offer objects in the following classes: Synthesis: Additive synthesis FM-synthesis Plucked string synthesis Wave interpolation "Analog style" synthesis Cross-synthesis Granular synthesis Sampling: A 64-voice, 32-channel sampleplayer and Harddisc player/recorder. DSP: Envelope and function generators, LFO:s,Flanger, Chorus, Harmonizer, Frequensyshifter, RingModulator, Filters, 512-band EQ, compressor, Envelope follower, Delay, Multitap delay, MS-decoder, Resonators, Bandpass filterbank, Timestretch/compress, Vocoder and support for VST plug-ins. MIXING: Mixers, panners, quad and surround output units and quad delay. Control/MIDI-objects include: Generators: Random generators, Fractal generators, Step sequenser, Phrase variation generator, List generator, Rythm generator, Table generators and more... Conrollers: Velocity controller, 2D surface, MIDI-controller interface. Timing: MTC timecode read/write/display, programmable MTC trigger, MTC controller for syncing with other applications using OMS time manager. Miscellaneous: MIDI-compress/expand, Data-filters, Smoothing, interpolators, pitch & rythm-quantizers, arpeggiator, MIDI-delay, Logic switchers, MIDI-distributors, Parameter automation, Keyboard and more...