On July 28, 2000 God told apostle Joe M. Mwaniki to start praying for the election of U.S.A. that God may give America Godly fearing president who will turn America to God. Because God has given him other messages in 1996 which warning America and the President Clinton about the sin of Sodom which was hanging upon the nation by then and even now, and the message was communicated to the White House on October 7th 1996 and it was received and they replied back, but they didn’t heed the warning of the message. Because it was ignored judgment was released in America in 90 days. On January 7th there was storms and a flood on the West Coast of California, Oregon and Seattle where many houses where destroyed by the floods, due to landslides. A few months later President Clinton's sex scandal was exposed to the whole world, because he ignored the word of the Lord.
Because God has honored the prayers of the saints and at the present time he has given America a Godly president. As a nation we must have a day of thanksgiving for George Bush, and we must continue to pray for him to be protected by God, and to be strengthened in his leadership because the word of God is commanding us to do so.
The People in Washington state, especially Western Washington need to thank God because we were spared from the earthquake (it was called the miracle earthquake because of that very reason). That earthquake was just a wake up call to bring the church to its knees.
Some of the sins that we need to repent of as a church, and as a
nation our:
Abortion: The blood of the innocent is crying out from the
ground. The Bible says" Hebrews 11:4 Because Abel had faith;
he offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. God was
pleased with him and his gift, and even though Abel is now
dead, his faith still speaks for him.
(Homosexuality, child abuse, divorce, the love of money, murder,
drug addiction, new age and witchcraft in the church.)
God is calling His people to repentance
The Mwaniki Dream
"On March 15 2001 God talked to me in a dream. In the dream I saw three mighty warriors and they were asking for the sacrifice to be paid, I was pleading with them not to judge the nation. I saw two pastors that I know from Kenya and we used to pray through Friday night together in the forest up to 3:00 AM in the morning on a weekly basis. They came to help me pay the sacrifice which the three warriors where asking for in the dream. Than I woke up from the dream and asked the Holy Spirit what the dream was all about."
"The Holy Spirit told me that these three warriors are the mighty angels of God who are sent to come and destroy the city of Seattle, and the whole nation if the people don’t pray and repent of their sin. I started to pray for three hours asking God’s mercy for America, around 6:15 AM I went back to sleep. Then I was shown a vision of a very dark cloud covering the whole heaven. The cloud started coming down on my right hand. There was a lady with a group of people opposing me from delivering the message I had. As I was struggling with the lady the cloud approached, three pillars emerged out of the cloud and touched the ground and other pillar was like smoke that came down out of the cloud and also touched the ground. They started to move toward us, and when the lady and the group saw the three pillars they started to run to the bus to get away. My assistant Julius and myself we didn’t run away from the pillar of the cloud it turned like a whirlwind and encircled my legs and went up along with the other three pillars, and the big cloud was taken up into heaven. I woke up and I was trembling because of the mighty presence of God, which was covering my bed where I was sleeping. I ask God what He was trying to tell me in the vision. The Lord God told me these three pillar clouds are the three angels which I have seen like warriors sent to judge America, and the other big pillar cloud was the Lord Jesus and the big cloud represents God the Father."
The Lord told me that he had lifted the judgment on America for three months, to give time for the people to repent. But if the people don’t repent by the end of July 2001 there will be a great earthquake and floods and storms, but if the people respond and repent there will be a mighty revival in the nation of America and other nations of the world.
I was given the verse in the Bible: Hosea 2:17 "For I will
take from her mouth the names of the Baals, And they shall be
remembered by their name no more."
The Lord told me that the
Old Testament People where worshipping Tammuz (husband of
Ishtar or Ashtoreth the Queen of Heaven) Tummaz was called the god of the
sun, god of the moon and stars, but today we worship: pride,
money, fame, reputation.
These are the gods people in the world serve, and God is going to
destroy them all, according to Zephaniah 2:11 The Lord will be awesome
to them, For He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth;
People shall worship Him, each one from his place, indeed all the
shores of the nations.
On March 6th 2001 this message was given to me: Matthew 23:23-29: Matthew 23:26 "Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. God told me that He is calling His church to be Holy and clean.
On March 8th 2001 Lamentations 4:1-2 How the gold has become dim!
1 How changed the fine gold! The stones of the sanctuary are
scattered At the head of every street. 2 The precious sons of
Zion, valuable as fine gold, how they are regarded as clay pots,
the work of the hands of the potter!
1. America has been like gold in the hand of the Lord but is
turning to be like a heathen, because of the sin and
compromising, so that unless the church repents the judgment
is going to fall.
2. Mighty preachers who were called serve God they are serving
money and fame and building their own kingdom rather than
building the kingdom of God, those leaders need to repent.
3. Mighty prophets and intercessors that are called to warn the
people of their sin. They are prophesying peace for them to
eat and drink. They need to come back to their calling to
save the nation.
4. The songs of Zion they are turned for entertaining rather
than worshiping the Lord. Come to your calling and bring the
glory of God back to the earth for the people to be saved.
The church is called to the true unity of the Holy Spirit
On March 12th 2001 the Lord showed me a vision of a diamond. The Lord told me why the diamond is not mentioned much in the Bible like gold. It is because the diamond cannot be mixed with other metals are materials, but gold can be melted and be smeared on the wood, stone, but a diamond is by itself, it stands alone. So God told me he doesn’t like Christians who are like diamonds but those who are like gold. So the Lord told me many ministries and church in America and other nations are like diamonds. They cannot unite with other ministries and churches because of pride and selfishness, because they are building their own kingdoms, if something doesn’t build their ministry directly they don’t have time for it. But now is the time for uniting in accordance to: Isaiah 41:7 So the craftsman encouraged the goldsmith; He who smoothes with the hammer inspired him who strikes the anvil, Saying, "It is ready for the soldering;" Then he fastened it with pegs, That it might not totter.
It is time for Jesus prayer to be answered: John 17:21-23 "that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 "I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.
Ephesians 4:3-7 "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift."
Zephaniah 2:1-3 "Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, 1. O undesirable nation, 2. Before the decree is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, Before the Lord’s fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you! 3. Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness! Seek humility! It may be that you will be hidden In the day of the Lord’s anger."
God is joining America and Africa together
In 1996 God told us he is joining America and Africa together to oppose the Antichrist in these last days. And that is why God allowed African slave trade to come to America for his own purpose, and for His end time plan. He knew they would be brothers and sisters, for God is bringing us together.
B. ON July 2000, God revealed to Apostle / Prophet Joe Mwaniki about prophesy of Isaiah:Isaiah 18:1-7 " Woe to the land shadowed with buzzing wings, 1 Which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, (Kenya) 2 Which sends ambassadors by sea, Even in vessels of reed on the waters, saying, "Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth of skin, To a people terrible from their beginning onward, A nation powerful and treading down, Whose land the rivers divide." (nation tall and smooth is America) 3 All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth: When he lifts up a banner on the mountains, you see it; And when he blows a trumpet, you hear it."AMERICA BACK TO GOD WITH PRAYER AND FASTING
Isaiah 18:7"In that
time a present will be brought to the Lord of hosts From a people
tall and smooth of skin, And from a people terrible from their
beginning onward, A nation powerful and treading down, Whose land
the rivers divide— To the place of the name of the Lord of hosts,
To Mount Zion."
So the prayer and fasting we are calling for is for
this great work of God for the end time harvest. It is a prophetic
fulfillment for the Church’s destiny.
V. WHAT MUST BE DONE A. Every city in America is required to organize their meetings May 14th to the 16th for thanks giving and repentance in prayer and fasting. 1. May 14th repentance for the church 2. May 15th repentance for the nation 3. May 16th thanks giving, we must also give God thanksgiving on this day for putting George Bush into the White House. We must also give thanks that God spared Western Washington during the 6:8 earthquake. 4. Let each location decide how they want to call people together to pray and fast. Like in Washington state, we believe God wants to raise of hundreds of different groups. Revelation 3:22 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." The reason God shook Seattle with an earthquake is because God wants to send a mighty revival to fulfill His word. When earthquake is mentioned in the Bible it usually is in reference to the presence of God. Let every one who reads this message, please pass it on to your friends and church leaders. Please act on the word of God!
Released with the love of God by
Apostle Joe M. Mwaniki