Hi There!

Welcome To My Link Page. Here you'll find a few things I, for whatever strange reason, happen to find interesting. Feel free to look around all you want, and check back from time to time, I'm always searching for more.


Humor and Health Links
Some people might think it's strange to put these subjects together. Given my health, though, I think it's kinda appropriate. ;-)
Political and Social Links
Ahhhh, two things I was told never to discuss. WARNING! Not for the overly Politically Correct. Muahahahaha...
My WebTV Toolshed
A list of some helpful WebTV resources. I'm just starting out with this one; there's lots more to come.

Check Back Often!

I try to update as often as possible.

Patty's Link Page

My Bio Page
Patty's Bio Page

I'm proud to support the for Responsible Free Speech Online!

Thanks To Doc's Selected Mids For The Music On This Page!

Page Design ©2001