Prepared, Under The Direction of the Secretary of War, By The late Lieut. Col. ROBERT N. SCOTT, Third U. S. Artillery Pursuant to Acts of Congress. SERIES I -- VOLUME XXVI -- In Two PARTS PART 1 -- PAGES 57, 60-61 REPORTS............................Union and Confederate CORRESPONDENCE............Union WASHINGTON: Government Printing Office. 1889 GENERAL ORDERS, No. 49 HDQRS. DEPT of the GULF, 19th A. C., Before Port Hudson, June 15, 1863. The commanding general congratulates the troops before Port Hudson upon the steady advance made upon the enemy's works, and is confident of an immediate and triumphant issue of the contest. We are at all points upon the threshold of his fortifications. One more advance and they are ours! For the last duty that victory imposes, the commanding general summons the bold men of the corps to the organization of a storming column of 1,000 men, to vindicate the flag of the Union and the memory of its defenders who have fallen! Let them come forward! Officers who lead the column of victory in this last assault may be assured of the just recognition of their services by promotion, and every officer and soldier who shares its perils and its glory shall receive a medal fit to commemorate the first grand success of the campaign of 1863 for the freedom of the Mississippi. His name will be placed in general orders upon the Roll of Honor. Division commanders will at once report the names of the officers and men who may volunteer for this service, in order that the organization of the column , may be completed without delay. By command of Major-General Banks: RICH'D B. IRWIN, Assistant Adjutant-General Officers and men who volunteered for storming party at Port Hudson, La., under General Orders, No. 49, Headquarters Department of the Gulf, June 15, 1863. STAFF Capt. Duncan S. Walker, assistant adjutant-general Lieut. Edmund H. Russell, Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves, acting signal office TWELFTH MAINE Capt. John F. Appleton, Co. H. Lieut. Daniel M. Phillips, Co. H. Lieut. Marcellus L. Stearns, Co., E. Private John Cooper, Co. A. Private Isaac R. Douglass, Co. A. Private Almon L. Gilpatrick, Co. A. Private John Weller, Co. A. Sergt. Seymour A. Farrington, Co. E. Corpl. Henry S. Berry, Co. E. Private Edgar G. Adams, Co. E. Private Oliver D. Jewett, Co. E. Private Nathan W. Kendall, Co. E. Private James Powers, Co. E. Sergt. William M. Berry, Co. H. Private James W. Smith, Co., I THIRTEENTH MAINE Lieut. Joseph B. Corson FOURTEENTH MAINE Lieut. Col. Charles S. Bickmore Maj. Albion K. Bolan Sergt. Maj. Charles W. Thing. Capt. George Blodgett, Co. K. Lieut. John K. Laing, Co. F Lieut. I. Frank Hobbs, Co. G. Lieut. Warren T. Crowell, Co. K. Lieut. Merrill H. Adams, Co. B Lieut. William H. Gardiner, Co. G. Lieut. Charles E. Blackwell, Co. I. Sergt. Jos. F. Clement, Co. A. FOURTEENTH MAINE (CON'T) Sergt. George C. Hagerty, Co. A. Corpl. William Calvin Townsend, Co. A. Corpl. Otis G. Crockett, Co. A. Corpl. Alva Emerson, Co. A. Private Peter Beauman, Co. A. Private Wilson Bowden, Co. A. Private Richard J. Colby, Co. A. Private Seth P. Colby, Co. A. Private Peter Misher, Co. A. Private Irvin Morse, Co. A. Private Edwin Ordway, Co. A. Private Albert Webster, Co. A. Sergt. John Dougherty, Co. B. Sergt. James Shehan, Co. B. Private Benjamin Douglass, Jr., Co. B. Private James Elders, Co. B. Private George N. Larrabee, Co. B. Private John Dailey, Co. C. Private Simon Beattie, Co. E. Sergt. Jos. W. Grant, Co. F. Corpl. William F. Jenkins, Co. F. Private Edward Bethum, Co. F. Private William E. Merryfield, Co. F. Private Horace Sawyer, Co. F. Sergt. Archelaus Fuller, Co. G. Corpl. Edward Bradford, Co. G. Private Samuel Connelly, Co. G. Private Ezra A. Merrill, Co. G. Sergt. Calvin S. Gordon, Co. H. Corpl. Louis C. Gordon, Co. H. Private John Cunningham, Co. H. Sergt. C. Pembroke Carter, Co. I. Sergt. Samuel T. Logan, Co. I. FOURTEENTH MAINE (CON'T) Sergt. John S. Smith Co. I. Corpl. John Hayes, Co. I. Private William R. Hawkins, Co. I. Private Jos. Preble, Co. I. Private Albert B. Meservey, Co. I. Private Benjamin F. Roleson, Co. I. Sergt. William Muller, Co. K. Sergt. Alex. Wilson, Co. K. Sergt. Bazel Hogue, Co. K. Corpl. John Moore, Co. K. Corpl. William Darby, Co. K. Private Daniel Conners, Co. K. Private George Waterhouse, Co. K. Private Julius Wendlandt, Co. K. Private Charles Wilkerson, Co. K. Private Elliott Witham, Co. K. TWENTY-FIRST MAINE Capt. James L. Hunt, Co. C. Capt. Samuel W. Clarke, Co. H. Private J. Mink, Co. A. Private Otis Sprague, Co. A. Private Sewell Sprague, Co. A. Private Joel Richardson, Co. B. Private Andrew P. Watson, Co. B. Private John H. Brown, Co. C. Private John E. Heath, Co. C. Private Charles T. Lord, Co. C. Private George F. Stacey, Co. C. Private William N. Tibbetts, Co. C. Corpl. Galen A. Chapman, Co. D. Corpl. Alonzo L. Farrow, Co. D. Private David O. Priest, Co. D. Private Charles S. Crowell, Co. D. Private David B. Cole, Co. E. Private Melville Merrill, Co. E. Private William Douglass, Co. F. Private Gustavus Hiscock, Co. F. Corpl. Minot D. Hewett, Co. G. Private Leander Woodcock, Co. G. Private Frederic Goud, Co. H. Private Thomas Wyman, Co. H. Private John B. Morrill, Co. I TWENTY-FIRST MAINE (CON'T) Private James S. Jewell, Co. K. Private Frank S. Wade, Co. K. TWENTY-SECOND MAINE Capt. Isaac W. Case, Co. H. Capt. Henry L. Wood, Co. E. Lieut. George E. Brown, Co. A. Private Van Buren Carle, Co. B. Private Daniel McPhetres, Co. B. Sergt. Samuel S. Mason, Co. F. Private Timothy N. Erwin, Co. G. Private Amaziah W. Webb, Co. K. TWENTY-FOURTH MAINE Sergt. George E. Taylor, Co. H. Private James Hughes, Co. H. TWENTY-EIGHTH MAINE Private James N. Morang, Co. E. A Adams Edgar G. See 12th Merrill H. See 14th Appleton John F. See 12th B Beattie Simon See 14th Beauman Peter See 14th Berry Henry S. See 12th William M. See 12th Bethum Edward See 14th Bickmore Charles S. See 14th Blackwell Charles E. See 14th Blodgett George See 14th Bolan Albion K. See 14th Bowden Wilson See 14th Bradford Edward See 14th Brown John H. See 21st Brown, George E. See 22nd C Carle Van Buren See 22nd Carter C. Pembroke See 14th Case Isaac W. See 22nd Chapman Galen A. See 21st Clarke Samuel W. See 21st Clement Jos. F. See 14th Colby Richard J. See 14th Seth P. See 14th Cole David B.........See 21st Connelly Samuel See 14th Conners Daniel See 14th Cooper John See 12th Corson Joseph B. See 13th Crockett Otis G. See 14th Crowell Charles S. See 21st Warren T. See 14th Cunningham John See 14th D Dailey John See 14th Darby William See 14th Dougherty John See 14th Douglass Benjamin See 14th Isaac R. See 12th William See 21st E Elders James See 14th Emerson Alva See 14th Erwin Timothy N. See 22nd F Farrington Seymour A. See 12th Farrow Alonzo L. See 21st Fuller Archelaus See 14th G Gardiner William H. See 14th Gilpatrick Almon L. See 12th Gordon Calvin S. See 14th Louis C. See 14th Goud Frederic See 21st Grant Jos. W. See 14th H Hagerty George C. See 14th Hawkins William R. See 14th Hayes John See 14th Heath John E. See 21st Hewett Minot D. See 21st Hiscock Gustavus See 21st Hobbs Frank See 14th Hogue Bazel See 14th Hughes James See 24th Hunt James L. See 21st J Jenkins William F. See 14th Jewell James S. See 21st Jewett Oliver D. See 12th K Kendall Nathan W. See 12th L Laing John K. See 14th Larrabee George N. See 14th Logan Samuel T. See 14th Lord Charles T. See 21st M Mason Samuel S. See 22nd McPhetres Daniel See 22nd Merrill Ezra A. See 14th Melville See 21st Merryfield William E. See 14th Meservey Albert B. See 14th Mink J. See 21st Misher Peter See 14th Moore John See 14th Morang James N. See 28th Morrill John B. See 21st Morse Irvin See 14th Muller William See 14th O Ordway Edwin See 14th P Phillips Daniel M. See 12th Powers James See 12th Preble Jos. See 14th Priest, Co David O. See 21st R Richardson Joel See 21st Roleson Benjamin F. See 14th Russell Edmund H. See Staff S Sawyer Horace See 14th Shehan James See 14th Smith James W. See 12th John S. See 14th Sprague Otis See 21st Sewell See 21st Stacey George F. See 21st Stearns Marcellus See 12th T Taylor George E. See 24th Thing Charles W. See 14th Tibbetts William N. See 21st Townsend William Calvin See 14th W Wade Frank S. See 21st Walker Duncan S. See Staff Waterhouse George See 14th Watson Andrew P. See 21st Webb Amaziah W. See 22nd Webster Albert See 14th Weller John See 12th Wendlandt Julius See 14th Wilkerson Charles See 14th Wilson Alex. See 14th Witham Elliott See 14th Wood Henry L. See 22nd Woodcock Leander See 21st Wyman Thomas See 21st The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies 1 INDEX 4