Volume 1, Number 1                                                                                                                                                           June 1998



Carl G. Jung


Thoughts of Carl Jung*

  Jung said "there was another source of human experience in addition to the external    world - one that is contained within the human psyche itself.  This inner source of experience is the deeper stratum of the unconscious, which Jung called the "Collective Unconscious".


"In a sense, Jung was saying that our behavior is not a simple matter of reflexes and habits, but rather that each of us lives a myth - a drama, if you will - in which themes, plots and settings play a considerable role."


"The organizing  structures of this psychic source of experience are 'Archetypes', the structures which provide the patterns for dreams, fantasies and imagination."


"Archetypes...serve as a screen upon which to project the products of the Collective Unconscious."


"There are ARCHETYPAL themes (love, faith, hate), ARCHETYPAL settings (the cave, the river crossing), ARCHETYPAL plots (the chase, the battle, the search) and ARCHETYPAL moods (storm and turbulence, serenity and rest)."


"Jung regarded the Collective Unconscious as a purely  psychological hypothesis to the effect that all people, of whatever race or culture, share, at  some psychic level, an archaic heritage of ARCHETYPAL forms."


"Man is a gateway, through which from the outer world of gods, demons and souls ye pass
 into the inner world out of the greater into the smaller world.  Small and transitory is man."


"THE GOAL OF LIFE, Jung came to believe, was Individuation, the emergence of a unique and integrated self through confrontation and mastery of both the outer world of man and society and the inner world of mythology and fantasy."


"For Jung, Introversion and Extraversion were conscious attitudes toward social and
physical reality:  the Extravert tends to be guided by directions and suggestions from
without while the Introvert tends to be guided by his/her personal predilections.  Later, he
indicated that Introversion and Extraversion were attitudes taken by the four basic
functions of the psyche - Thinking, Feeling, Sensation and Intuition..."


"The paired functions are somewhat in opposition to one another, and development or
differentiation of one is always at the expense of the other.  The more highly differentiated
a man's thinking, for example, the more childlike will be his feelings..."


"Jung felt that psychotherapy was the modern man's avenue to contact with the collective unconscious.  He also sought to explore the difference between the opposing theory of 'inferiority complex' and the theory of 'the will to power' as central to man's motivation."


"The first structure the individual encounters in the quest of individuation Jung called the
persona.  An individual's persona includes the sum total of his social roles - the masks he
wears in his interpersonal relations as son, husband, father, employee, employer, friend,


"The next phase in the process of individuation involves confrontation with the ShadowThe Shadow in general has to do with those parts of ourselves that we dislike and are reluctant to acknowledge.  We like to think of ourselves as honest, straightforward, generous, etc. - 'only too willing', when, in fact we are not really, or at least not always these things.  What happens is that we project the Shadow upon others?  For example we get angry at others when they display OUR FAULTS.  In coming to grips with our Shadow, the individual must discover the relativity of good and evil and come to accept the Shadow as part of him/herself and as having some value..."


"Following the confrontation with the Shadow, the individual is ready to come to grips with
the Anima or the Animus.  In Jung's view, the man has some archetypal conceptions - the Anima - of the female which he projects outward and that determine his relations to women.  He needs to come to see women more as individuals."


"In women, parallel masculine archetypes - the Animus - can be found.  These figures are projected onto other persons and women at different points in their lives will be attracted to men accordingly."


In order to found relationships based upon realism and understanding, both men and women need to become aware of the fact that archetypes do govern all relationships and that, to the extent they each become willing to work, they can become free of the projections that Archetypes cause.


Once the individual has dealt with the Persona, the Shadow, the Anima and Animus, he/she has moved far along the road to individuation and to the realization of the self which, for Jung, is the basis for living.


Jung felt the integration "between our archaic heritage and our personal history will result
in individuation".  This means that the individual has met and dealt with his or her Persona, Shadow, Anima or Animus, the Self integrating "all that is required with all that is innate in all of us".

*Quotes are taken from "Man and his Symbols"
and other "Jung-related" sources
