Real Name:
Peter Boyle
October 18, 1933
Birth Place:
Northtown, Pennsylvania
Contact Address:
Everybody Loves Raymond c/o CBS/MTM Studios
4020 N. Radford Ave.
Studio City, CA 91604
A Little Bit About Peter Boyle
Mr. Boyle is currently appearing as Frank on the CBS sit com "Everybody Loves Raymond". He won an Emmy for his role as Clyde Bruckman in a third season episode of "The X-Files". He's a hilarious character actor who has appeared in hit shows such as "NYPD Blue" and "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman". Peter Boyle also played the Monster in Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein". He has recently appeared in "Species II", and Eddie Murphy's "Dr. Dolittle".
Peter Boyle's Links
My Peter Boyle Homage
CBS: Everybody Loves Raymond
The Official X-Files Site
Imternet Movie Database
Did you know . . .
Before persuing acting, Peter Boyle was a monk.