Last edited July 4, 2000 ________________________________________________________________________________________ FIREBALL ABOVE THE GALAXY In December, 1989 the Cosmic Background Explorer satellite began mapping infrared radiation emitted by the cosmic dust between the stars and galaxies. For most of 1990, the data poured in. Gradually a picture was assembled of the heat of intergalactic dust, most of which turned out to be a uniform haze spread across the vast expanse of the universe. But not entirely. Hovering above the heart of our galaxy in the finished computer-assembled image is a curious, faint sphere of slightly warmer cosmic dust. This globe of heated dust is centered about 30 degrees over the core of the Milky Way in the area of Scorpio and Libra on the ecliptic. Ordinarily one would assume the sphere of hot dust emerged from a supernova explosion--but this sphere extends over the galaxy some 60 degrees, which is about 70,000 light-years if the center of the explosion were as far off as the center of the galaxy. And this sphere's lower limb is cut flat by the intervening core of the Milky Way, showing that it is indeed located just about right over the core. Supernovas are impressive explosions, but this event is on a scale difficult to ascribe to a single exploding star. If it were visible to your naked eye, this sphere would stretch across a third of the sky. It may be the result of the rare cosmic collision of a neutron star with a black hole or some other strange event. Given this apparent location about 30,000 light years away from the earth, the blast-wave of heated dust should already have spread past the earth. Moreover, the brilliant flash of light that probably would have accompanied the initial blast might have been visible on the earth thousands of years ago. In theory, if it occurred recently enough, the explosion may have been seen by mankind. If so, there could be legends or other preserved memories of this awesome event. And, as one might expect, there are. Scorpio and Libra were once one big sign--a giant scorpion with Libra known as the "Claws" of the insect. But it's the word "Scorpio" that is the clue: It is derived from "scarab" which is another desert insect of Egypt, a beetle. And this beetle is shown with a large red orb in its claws. That puts the large red orb in the sign of Libra. When Libra was changed from the "Claws" to the "Scales" of justice, its astrological symbol was not a pair of scales as one would expect, but a picture of an "orb" rising above the horizon. What orb was this? Most have assumed, without checking, that it's the sun. In fact, the Egyptian name of Libra is "The Place where the Sun rises"--the EASTERN horizon. But the Egyptian deity who has rulership over Libra is in charge of the NEW moon, and it is visible only at SUNSET on the WESTERN horizon. So what could be rising in the EAST--as both the sun and the moon are just setting in the west? Libra appears to depict a large red orb rising in the east as the sun and moon are setting in the west. What large red orb was glowing in the dark of night in the sign of Libra... in the very "jaws" of Scorpio's Scorpion, the sign of Death? The glowing blood-red orb in the Jaws of Death was located right where the ancient mega-nova explosion occurred. There in the mouth of the the great Scorpion was a glowing blot of blood in the sky. And the moment of the year when it should have been easiest to see--at its brightest--was on the night when it lay opposite both sun and moon, the night when Libra would have the darkest sky and rise to the zenith at midnite, the night of the new moon that falls in Libra, precisely the moment Egypt depicted in its myths. It appears the titanic burst was indeed seen--and seen for years afterward. More than seen, it entered into the heart of ancient myth and legend, transforming imagery and symbols in ways we are now so immersed in, we have not even begun to grasp their significance. That burst of "blood" was a grand cosmic display of heavenly anguish, the foretaste for divine pain in a most auspicious place and the memorial of a murder never to be forgotten in the primal reach of human history. For when Libra rose, it was Aries "the Lamb" that set: The sign of the Shepherd of Heaven, the innocent Abel, whom Cain slew. And Cain's sign? The Scorpion, of course. We learn that Cain killed Abel not long after the harvest, for it was then that he brought his grain to offer God upon the Sacred Mount. Libra's Scales are said to represent the weighing of the harvest. Today Libra has shifted well into November, but thousands of years ago it was in the beginning of the harvest. As a farmer, Cain's sign was Scorpio/Libra. There is a more direct link to Cain and Abel's story when the names of the stars of Libra are examined. Three bright stars dominate Libra: "The Price Sufficient" and "The Price Deficient" and "The Price of Conflict" are the meanings for their names. The entire sign was called "The Sacred Mound" or "Altar" in some cultures. Abel brought the "Sufficient" sacrifice to the Altar, but Cain's offering was "Deficient" which led to the "Conflict" and Abel's blood being shed. Ancient rabbinical tradition insists that Cain had Abel's blood in his mouth when God confronted him and asked "Where is Abel, thy brother?" Their implication was that Cain had eaten a cannibal or ghoul. The red blotch in the night sky, when Cain's sign rose in the east, was smeared across the Mouth of the Scorpion--The Jaws of Death. It was the blood of Abel whose sign, Aries, was setting in the west at the same moment. In the "First Book of Adam & Eve," in the Pseudepigrapha, [chapter LXXIX, verse 7],it says that Cain "weltered in his (Abel's) blood," and that there was a violent shaking and a repeated trembling of the earth for many long minutes after the murder. Genesis 4:11 says the earthquake rent open the ground as the earth "opened its mouth to swallow" the blood of Abel. That Pseudepigrapha text says that the earth was a symbol of Cain, who was also bloody and trembling. There was an old tradition, then, that an earthquake had occurred and that Cain had blood in his mouth, the "Jaws of Death." Why would Cain drink Abel's blood or eat his flesh? We are told that Abel was a keeper of sheep and that when he offered his sacrifice, he presented to God the blood and fat of the "firstlings" of his flock. The Levitical priests would always eat the meat of those animals they sacrificed, which would be a practice derived from ancient customs. It is likely that Abel would have eaten of his sacrifice also, although some feel he was a vegetarian. After killing Abel, Cain asks God if he is his "brother's keeper," suggesting that, if he is responsible for Abel the same way Abel kept his sheep, then he had a "right" to kill and eat him as a "sacrifice," since God seemed to prefer an animal sacrifice over Cain's offering of grain. Genesis says Cain's motive for murder is "anger" over his offering being rejected in favor of Abel's blood sacrifice. But is there a tradition of a glow or light in the heaven in connection with the Cain and Abel story? Absolutely. In the Pseudepigrapha text, in chapter LXXV, verses 2-3, it says: "And Adam offered up the offering (on his altar) and he besought God to accept his offering. Then GOD 'ACCEPTED' Adam's offering and SENT A LIGHT FROM HEAVEN THAT SHOWN UPON THE OFFERING. Then Adam and his son (Cain) DREW NEAR THE OFFERING, but Eve and the daughter ("Luluwa," also named "Lilith": See our link to LILITH: THE UNCENSORED VERSION below) DID NOT APPROACH IT (the fire and that light from heaven atop the mountain)." Notice that the "LIGHT FROM HEAVEN" was so brilliant that it "SHOWN UPON THE OFFERING" and lit up the area around the altar atop the mountain (which we feel likely was on Petra, where indeed a very ancient stone altar can be seen to this day and was once called "the Mountain of Adam"). Any light bright enough to be distinguished(in daylight) from the sun must have been an enormous flash indeed. No wonder Eve was afraid to approach it. If near evening, it would still have been extremely bright to be seen enlightening an altar that would have been blazing with fire. So the author of this text understood this "light" in the sky to be a great burst of brilliance, able to outshine the sun and a fiery altar for SEVERAL MINUTES... This certainly does not sound like anything common to the ancient world or even our own. (Some commentators think it must have been a "UFO" and that the "God" who accepted the offering was some kind of alien hovering over the mountain in his craft. But nothing else in the text supports this interpretation. It is obvious the Pseudepigraphal author was only describing a brilliant cosmic light which had erupted in the sky and was not "flying" around or a physical object. The text goes on to describe that God gave a similar kind of light on further occasions when offerings were made. No doubt the child Cain would, in theory, have been dazzled by these great cosmic displays--the way a young boy is excited by fireworks. Abel received a similar display when he made his sacrifice, but this text says none occurred when Cain's offering was presented on the altar. The sky was dark. It would surely have been disappointing to Cain, after he finally got his chance to "make the sky light up," if there were no celestial response at all. This tradition of repeated flashes from the sky, followed by a cessation of these outbursts, seems very much like the behavior of a "gamma-ray burster," or "Magnetar," which has the most powerful magnetic field yet observed in the cosmos. These are super-massive neutron stars that erupt in titanic outbursts at uneven intervals until they reach equilibrium. They are formed by huge supernova explosions, but even the gamma-ray bursts are spectacular [See NEWS & UPDATES for a report on an August 27, 1998, event; also described in our "DAWN of The MILLENNIUM Chart" page]. It is possible that the lights attributed to the "Jaws of Death" visible in the heavens were caused by Magnetar outbursts from an object on the cusp of Scorpio/Libra, about 30,000 light-years away. Genesis twice refers to Cain's face "glowing" brightly in his "wroth" [Gen 4:5,6]. The usual interpretation has been that his face was glowing red in "anger"--like the heavenly glow of the Jaws of Death. The idea may be that because he saw no red glow in the sky, Cain's own face began to "glow" red in color. The ground then cursed Cain: "Henceforth, when you till the ground, it shall not yield unto you her strength. You will be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth" [Gen 4:12]. Cain was going to leave off his planting of grain at Petra, and head out wandering to the east of Eden toward the land of Mesopotamia where the Tower of Babel would later rise-- a fertile valley. But Genesis says he will face a famine. So at the time Cain fled, there apparently was a time when crops failed. Cain reacts to this by saying "Everyone who finds me will kill me" [Gen 4:13], suggesting he expected a famine so bad people might kill him for FOOD. Cain may have expected his punishment to include being eaten by cannibals because he'd eaten Abel. Indeed, in the parallel stories of other cultures, there are dozens of references to famine and cannibalism in the days following the heir who murders his brother. In fact, there is scarcely a tale of the pre-flood age that does not involve "gods" eating or swallowing "gods"--and "gods" and giants or titans eating humans or drinking their blood. In the event any of these beings survive into the present age, they continue to roam the earth abducting and eating human victims and imbibing their blood. In the Pseudepigrapha, the Nephilim also turn to cannibalism before the Flood. In our "LILITH: THE UNCENSORED VERSION" pages, we show that Cain's twin sister "Luluwa" or "Lilith" was, like him, linked to compulsive cannibalism. Children are especially vulnerable to these predators. The legends of the eating of children raise the spectre of Cain and Luluwa consuming their own children in the famine that followed the murder of Abel. Several Lilith-derived tales refer to her eating her own children. Cain was sowing the field when he rose up and killed Abel, leaving the field half-sown. Even if he took all the remaining seeds with him, he had little time left to sow after wandering for weeks and finding new land to till. If some further ecological upheaval struck the earth when Abel died--and the great quake hints that something devastating was occurring--then Cain's struggles to grow food may have been even more difficult. In the days after Cain and Luluwa were exiled, it seems the earth was in a state of violence, with men killing any person they found. A great quake had struck the area, and something was now disturbing agricultural productivity-- which usually means climate has changed. Can these things be linked? Cain fails to see the same "light" in the sky as before. A great quake shakes earth, opening up a fissure in the ground. The climate changes, crops fail, and people descend into cannibalism. People migrate to find new farmlands. If the earth had tilted on its axis, the light Cain had expected to see might not be there. The whole earth would be shaking, and great cracks would open up. The climate would be utterly different. Crops would fail, and seasons might even reverse. Peoples would wander over the earth, seeking more temperate lands. Famine, cannibalism, and a state of murderous anarchy would inevitably follow. What might have suddenly tilted the earth? Perhaps the earth had been struck by an asteroid. Meteor Crater in Arizona is of the right age, by our chronology [See our page on the GARDEN OF EDEN]. Perhaps a nearby supernova sent a shock-wave through the solar system. The explosion supernova is of that age. And the Scorpio/Libra outbursts might be able to do the job. There certainly is no lack of candidates which might have disturbed the tilt of our axis. Immanuel Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision" details many ancient reports of axis-tilt phenomena, which he assumes had all occurred between 1500 bce and 600 bce. He links them to close passages of Venus and Mars. But he failed to explain what might have caused Venus and Mars to divert from their orbits in the first place. Any jolt that might tilt the earth might also divert smaller planets like Mars or Mercury, which could then later cross the earth's path. Therefore, the events that began when Cain killed Abel could in theory have led to what Velikovsky's books argue were the plagues of the Exodus and the other Old Testament upheavals. A stellar shockwave would also disturb the sun --and that could cause a cycle of solar imbalances leading to deluges. Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Yet it would indeed be unsettling if the first murder of our human family resulted from the failure of a teenager to see a light in the sky, and having drunk his brother's blood, to have discovered the reason for the light failing was a cosmic explosion that shook heaven and earth and led to famine and a deluge and thousands of years of upheavals for his descendents. The star-burst scenario could tie history together in the prophetic sight of God. Having known mankind's murderous tendencies, God could have foreseen the need for a stellar "messenger" to deliver at a single stroke the consequences of evil for millennia to come. And that star, if that's what it was, could have begun its destined course millions or billions of years before, ultimately set in motion by the initial conditions of the primal creation event itself. Now, that's foresight. The "Jaws of Death" opened on earth and in heaven, and it would appear, have swallowed us all.