
Now I have a Chat!

Petz3 is out and I have Dogz3. I put up the new Dogz3 page with 4 dogz for download.
I will be recieving Catz3 in the mail soon.

If you would like to submit a petzll pet e-mail me with this info on your petz.

Petz Name:
Reason for Surrender:
Petz Personality:
E-mail address:
Picture of Pet
And of course the petz file.

If you would like to submit a petzlll pet e-mail me with this info on your petz.

Petz Name:
Reason for Surrender:
Petz Personality:
E-mail address:
Picture of Pet
And of course the petz file.

The petz file will stay in a petz folder. It will only be in the adopted
petz folder when I take a picture if you didn't send a picture in. I promise. 
By the way, even though I have not recieved Catz3 yet I will gladly accept 
Catz3 catz so I can start the page early. 

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