Manning Gets 1st Taste Of NFL Blitz In Cincinnati

By Mike Chappell
Indianapolis Star/News

ANDERSON, Ind. (August 14, 1998) -- The learning curve for rookie quarterback Peyton Manning will veer in another direction Monday night when the Colts meet the Cincinnati Bengals at Cinergy Field.

In last week's preseason opener at Seattle, Manning faced a Seahawks' defense that featured a 4-3 alignment -- four down linemen, three linebackers -- and little blitzing. In NFL jargon, Seattle offered Manning a vanilla look.

Cincinnati will be more like Baskin-Robbins.

Coordinator Dick LeBeau boasts a 3-4 defense, shows variations and blitzes his linebackers early and often.

Teams seldom show much during a preseason game, but the Bengals might be different.

Rookie linebackers Takeo Spikes and Brian Simmons are vying for starting spots, and LeBeau may feel the need to see how far along his defense -- and his young players -- are by giving them free rein against Manning.

"They have a very aggressive style of defense," said Manning, who is expected to play at least the first half against the Bengals. "It will be a challenge.

"The best way to learn is to be out there, taking the hits, facing the blitz and doing it over and over again. You can be good on paper, on the chalkboard and in the film room, but you have to be good out there on the field."

Against Seattle, Manning's first pass was a 48-yard touchdown to Marvin Harrison.

He struggled after that, completing 7 of 14 passes for 65 yards with one interception.

Manning attributed his uneven play to hurrying his mechanics, which disrupted his rhythm.

He missed a shot at another touchdown pass when he threw behind Harrison on a slant pattern.

"I want to be much more accurate this week," he said.

Coach Jim Mora has no doubt he will see an improved Manning against the Bengals.

He also has no doubt facing a different defensive approach will enhance Manning's preseason progress.

"It will be good for him ... to see an entirely different concept," Mora said. "They give you a lot of different looks and come after you with a lot of different blitzes. We have to get prepared for that."


Starting middle linebacker Jeff Herrod was excused from Friday's practice to tend to personal business. ... In Herrod's absence, free agent Ratcliff Thomas got extensive work with the No. 1 defense. ... Mora drew a big cheer when he gave the players Friday night off. "It's the first time they've had a night off when we could have worked," he said.