Smith Fined For Manning Hit News Services

NEW YORK -- The NFL levied a $7,500 fine against Buffalo Bills defensive end Bruce Smith for a low hit to the knee of Colts rookie quarterback Peyton Manning in Sunday's game at Indianapolis.

It marks only the second time Smith has been fined by the league in his 14-year NFL career.

The league is trying to crack down on low hits on quarterbacks to prevent serious knee injuries. Smith raced around right end and lunged at Manning in a sack attempt, but ended up buckling the quarterback's left knee after he released the ball. Manning was not injured on the play.

The NFL Wednesday fined Jacksonville Jaguars safety Mike Logan $20,000 for his helmet-to-helmet hit on Dan Marino in Monday's win over the Miami Dolphins.

That fine came a week after the league slapped Minnesota Vikings cornerback Corey Fuller with a $20,000 fine for hitting Green Bay Packers quarterback Doug Pederson in the chin area in an October 5th game.