Saturday, Feb. 5, 2000

How awful am I!?! A neighbor and some of her friends (hubby and I included) want to go out for drinks tonight. I am in one of those moods where I just don't want to be around anyone. I have no idea why I feel this way. You'd think that I'd want to go since I hardly ever go out anymore. But, I JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!!!! I guess it would be okay if I felt like this once in a while, but I feel like this an awful lot! I guess I'm in one of those "Boo Radley" kinda moods. You know, the guy from "To Kill a Mockingbird." The guy who hangs out at home; the guy that all the kids on the block are afraid of.

I haven't done anything today. I didn't even make it to the gym. Actually, I did make it to the mall to pick up a pair of pants, some socks, and a sweater. UGH! WHY do I feel like hiding out from everyone?



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