Saturday, March 25, 2000

I haven't gotten much better about updating my journal. And, to those of you who read it, I am sorry. Things have been a bit hectic around here. What else is new. It seems as though the older I get, the faster time goes by. I had my last day at my old job this past Thursday. Somehow it wasn't that difficult to leave. In the end, I am sure that I made the best decision.

Here is some good news - I got an A on my class that just finished up this past month. I was utterly amazed that I got an A and extremely pleased. I really did like the class (a C++ programming class) although I don't believe in becoming a programmer.

Here is some bad news - My trainer (the one I LOVE working out with) is leaving the health club I belong to. He says it's time to move on. But, the good news is that he is willing to continue to train me, but I have to go to a different health club - Bally's *YUCK*. He says that he's willing to train me for the summer and then decide if he wants to continue training here or move back home (somewhere in the south). It's ironic because he was the one stable thing in my life for the past year. I guess he is taking some of his clients with him for the summer. Originally I though he was trying to blow me off, but I know that isn't the case. Well, whatever he decides, I hope it's for the best and that he is happy. As far as getting another trainer, I don't think so. We'll see. . .

Today I made some progress at the gym (finally). I had a training session and then I did a spinning class. Yesterday I bought a pair of running shoes and ran 20 minutes on our treadmill at home. I was going to run today, but I am just too tired, but I plan on running tomorrow.



Gym Hours (today):


Total Gym Hours (month to date):


Avg hours per day (month to date):


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