Monday May 3, 1999

Things are going okay for a Monday. I am trying to get used to the hour plus commute to work each morning. I am a morning person, but come on!!!! I picked up my new bicycle yesterday and I really like it!!!! Since yesterday was such a nice day, I couldn't really ride by the lakefront because EVERYONE was out and the bike path was IMPOSSIBLY CROWDED!!! I hoped to go riding this evening after work, but didn't get home in time. I HAVE to get my act together and be better prepared.

As far as water is concerned, I drank 64 ounces yesterday, but I am waaaaay behind today (only 20 ounces) and I am REALLY thristy!!! I am starting on my next huge glass of water, so by the end of today my water will be 52 ounces. Still, it's not what I ususally guzzle down. You guys make think I am crazy, but I love water - especially when it's ice cold.


52 oz

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