Some info about me . . .

My name is Phinneas and yes, I am a female. My battle with weight goes way back. As a child, I was very active - ballet lessons 3 times a week and ice skating lessons 2 times a week. I remember having to "weigh-in" before ballet classes and being told that I was 5 pounds too heavy. I also remember not eating for a day in order to become 5 pounds lighter. I believe that's when I began the battle. I've done the mini-diets where all I would eat was salad and I've done the binging and puring. I think I've learned to control the binging and purging, although my husband would probably not agree with me. I was always pretty think in highschool and maybe it's a "woman thing," but I want to be that thin again (or at least wear the same size again). I'm now 28 and married with no kids. I'm also a LOT more that 5 pounds too heavy! I'm at about 160 pounds and I'm only 5 feet, 4 inches.

In a nutshell, here is a timeline of my weightloss journey:

- OCT. '97 (Joined a gym - played with the thought of losing weight.)

- NOV. '97 (10 year highshcool reunion is coming! I HAVE to lose weight!)

- JAN. '98 (SO out of shape! Need motiviation - hired a personal trainer)

- MAY. '98 (Started journalizing. No weight loss yet, but lots of muscle tone)

- JUNE '98 (Trainer left to play professional football looking for a new one)

- JULY '98 (Tried trainer at another gym. Didn't work. Got trainer at old gym)

- AUG. '98 (New trainer blowing me off. NO weightloss yet. Time running out)

- SEPT. '98 (Didn't go to my highschool reunion. Hanging my head in shame!)

- OCT. '98 (Signed up for Chicago AIDS Ride 4 in July of 1999 - 500 MILES!)

- DEC. '98 (FLOUNDERING! Looking forward to a better 1999!)

That's pretty much where I am today. Probably a bit more info than you wanted! Oh well.

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