Chun Li

Author: Ian Kim
I like this one, very "Happy-looking".
Why Chun Li?

You Should be asking "Why Chun Li?, Isn't She from Campcom(TM)?" and I would answer "Well, Yes, but isn't she cute? Some people prefer her, better than oter game gals, and I agree, fokr she is not only very well done, but she fights with spirit and courage aswell. I, the author, consider that she deserves a piece of my webpage, even thoug she is not in the neo geo family. By the way... Do you like the idea of Mai Shiranui teaming up or fighting against Chun Li? And the idea of a game that combines both worlds best fighting heroes? I, Pilijuyo64, consider that if Marvel and DC comics could create Amalgam, then Campcom (tm) and SNK Neo Geo(tm) can create something similar, in order to give all gamefans in the world the oportunity to experience the sublime truth to fight our dream macht. If you like the idea say "Hey!!!!"

I simply love this one! It looks so kind and calm...

Author: ???
Chun li times 3!

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