Although I did not write the text on this page, other than a bit of editing, please note that the opinions stated DO reflect my opinions as well. The following statement was copied from an e-mail that was forwarded to me by a subscriber to my newsletter, Purrs & Stuff. I would like to thank Sharon for bringing this to my attention
"Akron, Ohio may be the most disgusting city in the US and their animal control people are out of control. They should be told that they must be shunned and nationally disgraced."
Please read further to see how you can help.
The following is also a direct quote copied from an animal rights activists' list:
"Akron's policy makers projected target of trapping, impounding and killing 2,000 cats and kittens in the first year of their ill-conceived "cat ordinance" seems to be going according to their dreadful plan. To date, since June 25, 2002, more than 1,700 cats and kittens have been Akron-warden impounded, the vast majority of these unfortunate animals have been killed within a few hours of arrival at the Summit Co. Ohio dog pound for such maladies as having fleas, ringworm, being "mean" or otherwise appearing stressed, or terrified.
As we discover just how badly these poor cats are handled, it's a wonder that any of them are considered "socialized" enough to justify to the pound management that they be held for possible redemption or adoption. Of the 400 luckiest cats and kittens which have escaped death at the hands of Akron's law and policy makers, many have died after being removed from the pound from infectious diseases contracted from trapping and impoundment.
I have personally rescued 12 cats and kittens from this facility, and suffered through the deaths of 4 kittens from Panleukopenia, which was almost certainly contracted from unsterlized equipment.
It's been a long and often, painful struggle for those of us attempting to stop Akron's senseless cat-killing program. Our legal battle continues against those responsible for these cruel policies and practices. Our trial dates have been set for September 24-25, 2003 in the Summit Co. Common Pleas courtroom of Judge Brenda Burnham Unruh. Your financial support is greatly appreciated and greatly needed.
Please send donations to:
Citizens for Humane Animal Practices (CHAP)
P.O. Box 211
Akron, Ohio 44309
We anticipate to soon be filing for a 501-c3 non-profit status, therefore your contributions should be retroactively tax-deductible.
Our website is available at
If you wish to be added to our email list, you may do so at our website. Thank you all for your interest and support.
Deanne Christman, co-chair of CHAP"
You can help, by copying this sample letter and sending it to the e-mail addresses listed in the next section:
Sample Letter:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I was appalled when I heard of the recent inhumane handling of cats by one of the Akron City dog wardens as witnessed by an Akron resident and the horrendous and inhumane conditions in which impounded cats are kept.
On the morning of March 17, 2003, a concerned citizen witnessed an Akron dog warden removing a cat from a trap. She was horrified as he did so with a noose around the cat's neck, dangling the cat in the air. The terrorized cat fought wildly and broke free. I cannot even begin to imagine the physical injuries, let alone the mental anguish, the poor animal sustained while at the hands of this man, all of which was absolutely unnecessary.
Had the warden handled the animal properly and used equipment designed for cats, there would be no additional stress or injury.
This same woman then went to the pound to see if her missing cat had been taken there. Sure enough, that is where her beautiful long-haired cat was, with her fur matted and soaked with urine. When questioned about the horrendous shape the cat was in, the pound eeper said that since no one ever comes down to redeem cats, they don't clean the cages or the litter boxes.
How can an animal control professional be allowed to mishandle cats to the point of practically breaking their necks? If the City of Akron is undertaking the task of capturing cats, they need to do so with the right humane equipment. A noose is NEVER to be used on cats exactly because of their delicate necks, and alternate species-appropriate equipment is readily available.
How can the pound, which is supposed to be a safe harbor for animals waiting redemption, keep them in such squalid conditions? Pound keepers are intentionally being derelict with the most basic sanitation and ignoring the most basic humane principles.
Not only are these people's pets, but these government employees and agencies are violating the very animal cruelty laws they are entrusted to abide by and enforce, and doing so with the taxpayer's dollars.
I also note that, this dog warden who has so terribly mishandled these cats, previously told a distraught cat owner that, as far as he is concerned, the cat problem will be solved when all cats are dead. So his inhumane handling of the cats, however appalling, is, sadly, no surprise. Yet this is the man who is responsible for handling these cats.
I respectfully demand a thorough investigation into these atrocities, which may include criminal charges against the warden in question, and that remedial steps be taken at once to ensure the humane handling and welfare of impounded animals.
(Please add your name and state or country)
List of Akron City Council members to send your e-mails to. Click on the name to send messages.
Michael Williams
Daniel Horrigan
Joe Finley
Marco Sommerville
Jim Shealey
Terry Albanese
Mary Ellen McAvoy
Mike Freeman
Garry Moneypenny
E-mail addresses and phone numbers for other Akron, Ohio officials:
Akron Mayor, Donald Plusquellic 330-375-2345
Service Dir., Jerry Holland 330-375-2270
Dep. Administration, David Lieberth 330-375-2345
Law Dept. Dir., Max Rothal 330-375-2030
Dep. Dir. Public Service, Jeff Fusco 330-375-2270
Acting Customer Service Dir., John Hoffman 330-375-2320
For local residents who prefer to call City Hall, the following is a list of the Akron City Council voice mail extensions. The main phone number is 330-375-2800. If the extension is not listed, below, please, just go through the switchboard operator.
At Large - John Conti #1093
At Large - John Otterman #1090
At Large - Michael Williams
Ward 1 - Daniel Horrigan #1085
Ward 2 - Joseph Finley #1086
Ward 3 - Marco Sommerville #1087
Ward 4 - Renee Greene #1096
Ward 5 - Jim Shealey #1089
Ward 6 - Terry Albanese
Ward 7 - Mary Ellen McAvoy
Ward 8 - Bob Keith #1092
Ward 9 - Mike Freeman #1097
Ward 10- Garry Moneypenny #1094
(Citizens for Humane Animal Practices)
Purrs & Stuff
(Free cat related newsletter)
Page published May 20, 2003. No permission is necessary to copy this page. All other pages on this site copyright
Cats & Pink Cadillacs.