In the Still of the Night - Part 3

In the Still of the Night - Part 3

Disclaimer: see first part


Kathryn asked my permission. She never needed it, but I let her anyway. She brings my hands to her hips. She doesn’t move for a few minutes. Her eyes closed in ecstasy. I watch her face, the array of emotions.

"Chakotay," she murmurs. Again, I think this is a new experience for her. I close my eyes to imprint the image she makes. Her head is arched back, revealing the graceful lines of her neck. If she still had her long hair, it would have been brushing my legs. It’s times like these when I miss the length. Kathryn’s arms are behind her, hands flat against my lower thighs. This motion propels her breasts forward. I realize that my thumbs have been caressing the soft skin where her legs join with her abdomen, just above her soft curls.

This is the closest a man and woman can be who love each other. There is no connection like it. It’s like being surrounded by satin. Hell, Kathryn feels like satin all over. She begins moving, slowly at first, trying to find a pattern. I remain still until I pick up her rhythm.

Up. Down. Up. Down. Slow and hypnotic. So is the view of myself vanishing within her. I join her in the seductive cadence. It only heightens the sensation of our love making. She brings her arms forward, resting them against my forearms. They squeeze and release, just like her inner muscles do to me within her. Every time I fill her, she lets out a throaty moan. Kathryn is fascinating to watch. Eyes closed in concentration, her teeth biting down on her lower lip. Her breasts move freely. Again I am close.

My climax surges again through me. Kathryn doesn’t slow down, doesn’t relent in her assault of my senses.

I explode within her again, and she collapses against me. As I come down from my high, I realize that we both came at the exact same moment. What a joyous feeling, being so in tune with another body. Her muscles contract, her breathing is hard. Her breasts are pressed flat against my stomach, her cheek upon my chest. I bring my hands up from her hips and enfold her within my arms.

I hold her to me. Her arms come up, her hands grasping upon my shoulders.

She whispers, "Thank you."

In the still of the night.


He holds me against him, letting me calm down from the high. Beneath my ear, I hear his heartbeat. Fast, loud. A quick examination of my own state and I smile, knowing my heart is beating just the same; in time with his.

We came at the same time. Chakotay and I have melded in more ways then one. How many people can truly claim to have a relationship like this? I envy none of them. I have finally found the love that has escaped me for too long. I have Chakotay to thank. I did.

As I drift asleep, held within the safe protective warmth of his arms, I know now what love means.

I will never forget.

In the still of the night.


It is three hours later. We had fallen asleep, holding each other. I haven’t slept that peaceably in many years. Even if it were a short duration of time. Kathryn’s movements woke me. I’d remained within her all that time. As I awaken, I see her standing, looking out the view port. She is still naked and she looks stunning. I’ve seen the look on her face before, but not often.


Her head is cocked to the side, watching the stars fly by. I get out of bed and go over and stand behind her, pulling her to me, clasping my hands around her waist. Kathryn leans back against me and puts her arms over mine, her fingers entwining with mine.

We just watch the stars streak by. She turns in my arms, kisses me.

"Dance with me?" Kathryn asks, her voice light.

In the still of the night.


I ask him to dance with me. Our bodies pressed close together, my arm around his shoulders, his right arm around my waist. There is no music, but that’s all right. We make our own music.

"What made you change your mind, Kathryn?" he asks, his voice in my ear.

"I sat in that closet and thought of all the times I had felt loved. After a lot of consideration, I realized that the only time I felt truly loved was in your presence. It hasn’t mattered the circumstance, the moment, the words. You make me feel, Chakotay."

He pulls away and looks down at me with those sable eyes. "Did you find what you were looking for? Did you learn to love?"

I look at him evenly, finally finding the words that describe what I’ve wanted to say to him for so long. "Maybe making love isn’t the true meaning of love. You’ve shown me all the different ways to love. The true meaning of love is the selfless way you’ve given of yourself. Every little thing we do equates the love we share."

He smiles and pulls me close. This isn’t the last time we’ll be together. I’ve let him into my life and I know there will be more.

In the still of the night.


Who knew a few hours ago, when I came across her, concealed in the darkness of her closet, that we’d be standing in her bedroom, dancing naked in the starlight? We have shared the age old dance of lovers through the ages, no different other then friends have become lovers.

All I know, is that for now, Kathryn and I have found each other. We still have much to discover about each other.

This is not the last time I’ll hold Kathryn, dance naked with Kathryn. No matter what time unfolds before us, I’ll have my Kathryn.

In the still of the night.


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