The Date

Mikayla left Gee's office with a renewed vigor. Making her way across the station, she heard the familiar voices of her roommates coming from the breakroom. "Hey, y'all," she announced as she strolled up to them.

"Have fun shopping?" Tara asked as she took a bite of her bagel.

"Sure did," she said, smirking, "I only had to go to 2 stores to find something I liked. And before you even ask, no, you can't see what I'll be wearing. You'll just have to wait until tonight."

"So what's the smirk about, Mik?" Penny curiously inquired. "You look like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary."

"Oh, I ran into someone at the mall today; rather, they ran into me."

Tara rolled her eyes & shook her head. "Are you going to tell us who, or are you just going to keep us in suspense?"

Mikayla directed her attention toward Penny. "Three words--brown leather coat."

Up popped Penny's head. "You met Mikey? At a mall?"

"I know, I was shocked myself. He must've been on his way to the Sports Authority. But, that's not the only surprise. You remember me mentioning the guy I went out with a few years ago while Tara was away on an assignment for the newspaper?

The girls thought for a bit, then Penny spoke up. "Yeah, that story sounds famil--wait a minute, that was Mike? You're the one he was talking about helping discover new rooms in her house? How come you never mentioned him before this? I would think that's a story for the ages."

"Well, to be honest, I'd forgotten it was him. I know, I know," she said, putting up a hand to stop them, "you can't believe I'd forget someone like that. But, I was going through a rough time. I'd just moved here from Atlanta & I was lonely. We met at a bar & you know the rest. Like I told him earlier today, it was just one of those flings--no hard feelings. Life goes on. And no, I'm not gonna kiss & tell, or anything else & tell, for that matter, my dearies. On that note, I'm outta here. Gotta go spruce up for tonight. See y'all when you get home." With that, Mikayla sauntered out the door & went home, leaving her roommates in the dust.

Part 2

7:00 The Big Night

"Don't rush to answer the door. I'm the one without a guy. Please, let me answer it," Tara grumbled as she shuffled to the front door. She opened it & let Mike & Tim in. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know you two. The Tim & Mike I know don't look this good."

"Gee, the house looks a little different than the last time I was here," Bayliss remarked as he glanced around.

"It was in a tad bit of disarray on moving day, wasn't it? I didn't think we'd ever get things organized, but I think it's taking shape nicely. Why don't you two have a seat in the living room. I'll see if the 2 princesses are ready yet." Just then, they heard someone coming down the loft stairs. "This may be a new record. She's only kept you waiting about 5 minutes, Tim. This could start a whole new trend for her." I hope so, Tara thought. She's so much classier than most of the jerks she dated in NYC. I hope she knows that. God knows I've tried to tell her enough times. Sometimes I think I'm the oldest one of this group.

Mikayla opened the door & poked her head out. "Psst, Tara, come here."

Tara looked at the guys. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back." She hurried over to Mikayla. "What's up?"

"Can I borrow your teal clip? I can't find mine & I can't leave my hair down like this."

"Why not? I think it looks splendid like that."

"It looks like a lion's mane. I guess I could be Roseanne Rosannadanna all night."

"No, it doesn't look anything like hers. Your hair flows, hers shoots out all over the place."

Mikayla sighed. "All right. Let me put my shoes on & I'll be right down." She shut the door & went back up the stairs.

Tara went back over to the two guys. By this time, Penny had joined the group. Mike & Penny exchanged a quick kiss & she sat down next to him. Mike thought she looked ravishing. She was wearing a sapphire blue cocktail dress, accentuating her blue eyes, with matching sapphire earrings & a simple gold necklace. Mike couldn't keep his eyes off of her & was restraining himself to keep his hands away, as well; but he remembered the promise they made to take things slow. Finally, Mikayla appeared. "Sorry I'm late. I was debating whether or not to chop off all of my hair, but I decided to leave it alone." Tim stood up & was awestruck. He didn't know when he'd seen a more luminous woman. Just standing there, she took his breath away. "Hi, Tim," she said softly. The two stood there for what seemed like an eternity just taking in each other's presence. Mikayla felt like a schoolgirl on her first date. One glance from Tim's baby blues & her insides turned to butter, churning around & around in her stomach. "How did he know purple was my favorite color," she thought to herself, admiring his deep purple shirt, which could pass for a dark blue, bringing out the blue in his world-weary eyes. "And black slacks, someone just had to tell him what my favorite colors on a guy are. I'll find out who & thank them later." The outfit was completed to perfection with his dark blue jacket. Mikayla thought she was going to hyperventilate. Maybe she could make a new start with this guy & have a better outcome. She really was getting tired of one-night stands & the short-term relationships she'd had lately. It wasn't like she wanted to get married tomorrow, but the word had crossed her mind. For a while, she didn't think she'd ever want to settle down, but once she reached 30 & was still single, her thoughts began to change on that subject.

Tim finally found his voice. "Very impressive, Mikayla."

"Thank you, Tim. I could say the same about you."

Penny & Mike got up & walked over to Tim. "Well, if you 2 are through staring holes into each other, we should go," Mike said. "Our reservations are for 7:30."

"See you at the Elephant Run, guys," Tara said as she shut the door behind them. "Okay, now I have the whole house to myself to get ready," she said as she skipped over to the stereo, put in her favorite CD, Lord of the Dance, & cranked up the volume.

Part 3

During the drive to the restaurant, Mikayla couldn't seem to form any words. She became a zombie, which was extremely unusual for her. She was one of those people who could fit into any situation, from teaching kids softball down at the Y, or at a gala after a runway show. Penny, though she centered most of her attention on Mike, kept an eye on her roomie. Tim tried to draw her out, & he was somewhat successful. "So, Mikayla, Penny tells me you're a sports fan."

"Most definitely, Tim. Baseball's my favorite sport. I tried to get tickets for the series this weekend with the Braves & the Orioles, but no luck. And I did so want to see the Orioles get swept by the Braves, since they swept us last year."

"But didn't they deal away their double-play combination of Lemke & Blauser?" Tim asked. "Finally, a sports fan around here. It's about time," he thought.

Penny smiled & leaned over to Mike. "Good, she's finally coming out of her shell. I knew the sports angle would do it. It's one of the subjects she's obsessed about."

"Yes, but they replaced them with Walt Weiss & Keith Lockhart, who's been an unexpected surprise this season. I'll admit, they may not be a Ripken/Bordick combination, but I'd put them up against any others." The conversation continued throughout the meal, with Penny & Mike talking about work & about themselves & Tim & Mikalya debating the merits of the National League vs. the American League.

"Well, shall we head over to the club now?" Mike asked. "We're supposed to meet the rest of the gang sometime between 10 & 10:30 & it's 10:15 now." The others nodded so Tim & Mike paid the check & off they went.

Arriving at the club, Penny & Mike went on in to locate the rest of their party. Tim, after opening up the door for Mikayla, grabbed her hand & pulled her close to him. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as he nibbled on her right ear. "Oh, Tim," she whispered. He left her neck & moved to her mouth. She was shocked at how gentle he was. He didn't try to force anything; not that he would need to. She willingly opened her mouth & returned his kiss with equal fervor & passion. He pressed her against the car and was combing his fingers through her thick locks of hair. As he turned his attention to her neck, a hand slammed on the roof of the car. A deep voice said, "If you two don't stop that, I'll have to arrest you for indecent exposure or disturbing the peace." Tim immediately pulled away & began straigtening his tie. Mikayla attempted to smooth her hair as she looked into the familiar hazel eyes of Mike Logan.

"Damn, Logan, give a guy a heart attack, will ya?" Bayliss said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh, sorry. Mike Logan, Mikayla Fitzgerald," he replied, regaining his composure.

"We've already met, Bayliss. Nice to see you again, Mikayla." He said, giving her an approving glance.

"You, too, Mike. I'm glad you could make it out here tonight."

"Yeah, well, couldn't find anything on TV worth watching so this beats sittin at home on a Friday night."

Tim was getting perturbed. He sensed some sort of history between these two, but was too polite to say anything. He also knew he didn't have any solo claims to her affections--yet. "What, the great Mike Logan couldn't get a date on a Friday?"

Mike laughed. "Nah, just thought I'd take a break. You know, check out the new blood, be sociable, meet new people. Thanks for your concern, though, Tim. Well, I'm going on in. You coming?"

Mikayla was somehow thrilled by all this. It was like she was a medieval princess, with two knights vying for her affection & willing to duel to the death for her. Of course, in those days, the girls hadn't previously slept with one of the knights. She'd really had her fill of guys like Mike Logan. Sure, he was good in bed, but she hadn't felt any lasting sparks, no fireworks, no Gone With the Wind music, and that's what she was holding out for. She knew it sounded funny, but she knew deep in her heart those were the signs she was looking for & she was willing to stick to her guns until she discovered the one who could affect her that way. "We're right behind you, Mike." She looked up at Tim, who was still holding her hand & kissed him. "Come on, let's go in. Have we girls got a surprise for you."

As they walked in, a familiar, very off-key voice, could be heard above the noise of the busy club. Munch was up on the stage, belting out "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" & making passes at every female that walked by. "Lord, he's already at it," Bayliss groaned. "We didn't get here soon enough to tie him to his chair.

"And this is after he's had how many drinks?" Mikayla inquired.

"Oh, he hasn't even had a drop yet. It'll get worse with each drink, trust me." Tim smiled.

"There's the gang," Logan said as he waved to Penny. The group made their way through the ever growing throng of people to a pair of large tables right in front of the stage. Logan plopped himself down beside Tara, who looked quite smashing in her own right in a white pantsuit with a strapless top & a white jacket over it. "Hey, beautiful, haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

Tara rolled her eyes. "Can't you come up with anything more original, Logan? You've tried that line at least 5 times with no luck."

"What can I say, I'm a determined guy," he seductively whispered as he leaned on the table.

Munch finally finished the song as Tim & Mike dragged him off the stage. "Hey, let some other crooner get a chance." Mikayla was standing off to the side, not sure of what to do. She was still rattled by the events in the parking lot, her face still flushed from the emotions. "Thank God it's dark in here & no one can see," she gratefully thought. After being forcibly removed from the stage, Munch waltzed right up to Mikayla & put his arm around her shoulders. "May I have your attention, please? I'd like to introduce the newest employee of the city of Baltimore. Meet your new administrative secretary, Mikayla Fitzgerald."

Mikayla nervously waved to the group & sighed. "Thanks a lot, Uncle J. I hadn't even told my roommates yet," she leaned over & whispered in his ear.

"My sincere apologies, Mikayla," he whispered back. To the group, he said, "allow me to introduce everyone, Mik, starting to my left we have Det. Meldrick Lewis," he said. A stocky, light-skinned black man with a goatee doffed his hat to her. "A pleasure, Mikayla," he responded. "Nice to meet you, as well." Munch continued on. "Of course, you already know Timmy here," he said as Tim slid into the booth next to Lewis.

"Boy, does she," Logan dryly commented.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tara whirled her head around & confronted Mike. She was terribly protective of Mikayla, more so since the death of Mik's parents.

"Oh, nothing, just a little action I discovered going on in the parking lot when I got here."

"I'll speak with you later about that," Tara said hotly.

"I'm looking forward to it, Burns," he smirked. She wanted nothing more than to slap that smirk off of his face.

Lewis turned to Bayliss. "You were right on with this one, Timmy, my boy. She is one hot number."

Tim looked at him. "I know, but there's more to her than just the looks. She actually has a brain & uses it. That's so refreshing to find. I mean, we spent the entire dinner discussing baseball like 2 adults."

"Sounds like a keeper to me, my friend."

Just as Munch finished the introductions, a tall, dark-skinned black man walked up to the table. "Excuse me, is this get together open to anyone, or just the heathen portion of the population?"

"Frank, my man! I'm glad you could make it!" Munch exclaimed. "Let me introduce you to--"

"Mikayla Fitzgerald, I'm Frank Pembleton. How very nice to make your acquaitance." He offered his hand.

"Charmed, I'm sure," Mikayla shook his hand. This was nothing like she thought it'd be. These people were actually fun. "Do we have room for everyone here?" Frank asked.

"Sure, we'll just be all nice & cozy," Munch joked.

"Actually," Lewis interjected, "we've got the table next to us, as well." So, finally, the seating arrangements were made & everyone settled in. Mike & Pen, Tim & Mik, & Lewis at one table, & Munch, Logan, Tara & Frank at the other one.

"Since I was the first one to sing, first round's on me," Munch shouted. The waitress came & took their drink orders. Lewis, Logan, Tim & Mike each had a beer, Tara had a club soda, Munch, gin & tonic, Pen a strawberry daiquiri, & Mikayla had a sex on the beach. Once the drinks came, Munch decided it was someone else's turn to sing. "Mik, I hear you have quite a voice. How about entertaining us with a song?"

She took a sip of her drink. "Okay, but I need Pen & Tara to help me." The two looked at each other, then at Mikayla, who shot them a look that said, "If I have to do this, so do you." The girls walked up to the DJ & told him what to play. He handed each of them a microphone & they stood in a line with their backs to the patrons. Once the music started, they turned around, faced the crowd & did a hilarious rendition of "You Don't Own Me", that topped even the rendition performed in "The First Wives Club". They left the stage to thunderous applause. As they settled back into their seats, Tim leaned over & breathed in Mik's ear, "That was wonderful. What other hidden talents do you have?"

She playfully slapped his leg. "That's for me to know & you to find out, honey."

Penny looked at Mike. "She always does that to us. We did that in a talent show at the 2-7 for a fund raiser & she's forced us to do that at every given opportunity."

Mike smiled. "You weren't that bad."

"No, worse. I'm nowhere near Mik's talent level, but it makes her happy & gets her started, so I contribute."

After another round of drinks, Tara walked over to Mikayla's table & whispered something in her ear. She nodded & went up to the DJ. Tara & Penny exchanged a knowing glance. Tim had the feeling something was going on, but he couldn't figure out what, so he just settled back into the booth & decided to enjoy whatever took place. Mikayla took the microphone with authority. She was now in her element. She had a crowd of people watching her & she was "on." She left the stage, took the microphone & planted herself next to Tim. The music started & she began singing "You've Lost that Lovin Feeling" directly to him. Everyone was roaring & Tim could do nothing but sit there & take it. Part of him wanted to sink under the table, but he realized that wasn't an option so he just watched Mikayla as she sang. Just as she started the second verse, a finger tapped her on her shoulder. "Mind if I join in?" A vaguely familiar girl was standing next to her. She was a slimmer version of Mikayla, except for the hair. Her hair was a golden blonde that lightly touched her shoulders. "Sure, jump right in," Mikayla said. The moment the girl started singing, Mik knew immediately who it was. "Felicia!" She shrieked in recognition. They had the presence of mind to finish the song, then placed the microphone on the table & tightly hugged each other. "Licia! What are you doing here?"

Felicia sat down next to Mikayla. "I live here, just moved here from Boston, actually. I'm starting work Monday in the ME's office."

"No! This is awesome! I start Monday in the Homicide Department?"

"Detective?" Felicia couldn't see Mikayla as a detective. Not that she wasn't smart enough, she just knew Mik wasn't that analytical.

"No, silly girl, administrative secretary. Oh, forgive me, let me introduce to everyone. Everyone, this is Felicia Stevens. We grew up together in Atlanta until her parents moved to Boston & took her with them, the ingrates. She'll be working in the ME's office starting Monday." With that, she introduced Felicia to everyone.

After a few more rounds of drinks--by now, only Munch & Mikayla were still drinking liquor, everyone else had switched to coffee or sodas--Mikayla decided it was now or never. She walked up to the DJ, surprisingly able to still stand after 5 rounds of sex on the beach & made her request. She stood on the stage as the lights dimmed & started singing "Crazy for You".

Penny shook her head. "Oh, no, poor Timmy. I hope he doesn't embarrass easily."

Mike was curious. "Not ususally after 3 or 4 beers. Why?"

Penny motioned. "Just watch. This is Mikayla Fitzgerald at her best." They turned their attention towards Mik, who by now was draped over Tim, had dropped the microphone & was giving him his own "personal" concert. Felicia picked up the microphone & returned it to the DJ.

"She's still doing that? I figured she would've at least changed songs by now," she remarked as she shook her head. The rest of the group, which by now was down to Mike & Pen, Logan, Munch & Tara, looked at Felicia. "She's been doing this since high school. Every dance, every party, she'd go through this routine & it always ended up the same way. I guess you stick with whatever works, huh?" Finally, the song ended & Mikayla passed out in Tim's lap. "Well, it didn't usually end that way."

Tim extracated himself from Mikayla & looked at Mike. "You think you two could get a ride home from Tara? I'll take her on back to the house."

"Sure thing, Tim. Here's the keys to the car," Mike said, tossing the set across the table. "You need some help?"

"No. I'll be fine. See you on Monday." Logan & Tim carried Mikayla out & placed her in the back seat of Mike's car. Once at the house, Tim was able to partially drag, partially carry Mik up to the house. "Oh, screw my back," he said as he picked her up & carried her through the house & up the stairs to her loft. He gently put her on her bed, placed her under the covers, kissed her good night, then went back downstairs & sat on the couch, where he proceeded to fall asleep, with thoughts of Mikayla dancing through his head.

Part 4

Mikayla woke up Saturday morning to what felt like a band playing in her head every John Philip Sousa song ever written. The sound reverberated through her skull. She rolled over & groaned. "I knew I shouldn't have had that last drink," she moaned. At least she thought she remembered what happened, until she looked down at her body. She was still wearing the black dress, though it was quite rumpled after having been slept in for several hours. "Okay, this I don't remember. How did I get up here? This is scary. I haven't got a clue how I made it home." She gently pushed herself up to a sitting position & looked around. "No sign anyone else was here, so Pen & Tara must've dragged me up here." She slowly stood up & realized she was still wearing her hose. "This is crazy," she shook her head. "I'd better start watching it." She changed out of her dress into an oversized Braves jersey & gingerly came down from the loft. She opened the door & made her way into the kitchen. She was still in a bit of a stupor, so she didn't notice Tim who was over pouring coffee into the coffeemaker.

"Good morning," he said in a quiet voice, sensing she still wasn't quite alert yet.

"Mornin," she mumbled, then it hit her full force that the voice she'd heard wasn't Tara's or Penny's. She jerked her head up, which caused the bank playing in her head to forcefully fall against the back of her head & give her a hellacious headache. "Tim?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah." He looked at her & realized she didn't know--or didn't remember--anything. "I brought you home in Kellerman's car & got you up to your room." He handed her a cup of coffee. "Here, I thought you might need this."

"Thanks, I could use it." She took the cup from him & drank the coffee. "I'm sorry, this has never happened to me before."

"What hasn't?" He eyed her curiously.

"Not knowing or remembering how I got home & into bed. It's kind of an eerie feeling, having a lapse in time like that." She leaned against the bar. "I guess 5 drinks will do it to you, huh?"

Tim stood near her & nodded. "What do you remember?"

She thought for a minute as she sipped the coffee. "The last thing I remember is singing 'Crazy for You', then it gets fuzzy." A thought suddenly appeared. "Wait a minute. If you're here, then we--" She definitely remembered the kiss at the car.

Tim shook his head. "I put you to be & fell asleep on the couch. Don't worry," he smiled. "I wouldn't take advantage of you."

She smiled back gratefully. "Thanks, though I'm sure I would've remembered it if we'd done anything." She walked over to the coffeepot & refilled her cup. "Have you had anything to eat yet?" Tim shook his head. "Want to go grab something?"

"Sure," he replied. "I have to return Kellerman's car, anyway."

"Okay, why don't I follow you, you can drop off his car, then we can get a bite to eat? By the way," she said as she looked around, "I'm assuming my roomies made it home?"

He grinned. "Yeah, they dragged their butts in around 4 am."

"Oh, good. I'll just leave them a note, then I'll change clothes & be right back down." Being fully awake & having drowned the band with the coffee, she bounded up the stairs & came back down a short time later, having changed into blue jeans & a short-sleeved black shirt with her hair stuffed under a ball cap. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go."

Mikayla followed Tim to Kellerman's boat, Case Closed. Tim stuck his head into her car. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna drop the keys off & then we can get that meal, okay?" She nodded. He took a couple of steps toward the boat, then turned around, went back to the car & kissed Mikayla. "It just needed to be done," he said, then went to the boat.

Mikayla sunk back into the seat. What was going on? Tim Bayliss had affected her like no one before had. She'd found herself thinking about him, even before they'd gone out last night. She was sensing a change going on inside of her & she didn't know what to do. First, the news from Atlanta (she really needed to talk to someone about that) & now, Tim. "I know, now that Felicia's in town, I'll look up her number & give her a call. She always knew me better than I knew myself."

Tim climbed onto Mike's boat. "Mike?" He asked as he knocked on the door. "I know you're there & that you're by yourself. Open up, Kellerman."

"Hold your horses, don't split a gut. I'm coming, I'm coming," he grumbled. "Oh, it's you," he said through sleepy blue eyes. "How'd you get here?"

Tim jangled the keys in front of Mike's eyes. "Your car, remember?" Mikayla followed me over in her car & we're going to eat." Mike leaned out the door & waved at Mikayla, who waved back.

"And after that?" Mike asked.

"Don't know," Tim replied. "We haven't gotten that far yet. But don't worry, I'll try to keep you posted."

"Funny, Bayliss," Mike snapped back, then looked at his watch. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bed & get some more sleep."

"Yeah, Kellerman, you need all the beauty rest you can get," Tim smarted off. Mike proceeded to throw a pillow at Tim as he walked off the boat & headed back to Mikayla's car. When he got to the car, he realized Mikayla had fallen asleep. He opened the driver's side door, gently pushed Mikayla over to the passenger's side, then climbed in behind the wheel & drove to his apartment. Arriving at the apartment, he leaned over & kissed her. "Wake up, we're home."

"Home?" She replied sleepily. She was in the middle of a dream. A well-groomed gentleman had appeared in a horse-drawn carriage & announced he was here to take her to his home. "I thought I was home," she mumbled.

"Mikayla, you awake?" Tim didn't think she was, so he gently shook her. "Mik? You here?"

Her eyes opened & she peered at him. "Yeah, I'm here. Where are we?" She asked as she sat up & looked around.

"My place. I figured we could get something to eat here just as easilty as we could at a restaurant."

"Okay, sounds good to me," she answered & followed him up to his apartment.

"Have a seat in the living room & I'll whip us up a couple of sandwiches," Tim said. Mikayla went in & made herself comfortable on the couch. She kicked off her sandals & stretched out on the couch, where she proceeded to fall back asleep. Tim came into the living room, carrying 2 plates with grilled cheese sandwiches & chips. "This is the best I could--" he started to say, then looked down & saw Mikayla's sleeping form on the couch. He sat down the plates & went to change clothes, figuring that would give her a chance to wake up. He returned wearing a pair of black shorts & a gray sleeveless t-shirt. He sat down on the floor next to the couch & watched Mikayla as she slept. She had no clue he was there; she'd gone back to her dream. She was standing on the veranda of her plantation, watching the handsome stranger climbing down from his carriage & making his way up the long sidewalk to her front door. She rushed down the spiral staircase & flung open the front door, as the theme to "Gone With the Wind" played in the background. With that, Mikayla opened her eyes & found a pair of sky blue eyes staring back at her.

"Hi, beautiful," Tim said softly, then leaned in & kissed her. She put a hand behind his neck to hold him against her lips as she returned his kiss, which started off gentle, then grew more forceful. He finally broke away, but only for a moment, just enough time to remove the cap & shake loose her auburn tresses. He inhaled the scent of her hair (Herbal Essence), then returned his attention to her lips, which were aching from the kiss. She took in the scent of his Lagenfeld cologne as he left a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck & back again. She sat up as he removed her shirt, then took off his own t-shirt. He planted kisses along her collarbone, but always returned to her lips. Before they knew it, their clothes were on the floor & the pair was caught up in the throes of ecstasy.

Mikayla was trying to slow down her breathing as she combed her fingers through Tim's hair. "I didn't know this was going to happen."

Tim kissed her nose. "I didn't either, Mik, but I'm glad it did. I don't regret it."

"That's not what I meant, Tim. I definitely enjoyed it, but I told myself I wasn't going to jump right into anything & look what happened. I'd planned on taking things slow, for once in my life. I'm one of the most impulsive people you'll ever meet. I have a tendency to jump right into situations without thinking ahead, which can get me into trouble."

Tim sat up. "So you're saying I'm trouble?"

Mikayla was growing frustrated. "No, Tim, that's not what I'm saying at all. From what I've picked up on, you're a very sweet & sensitive man, but we hardly know each other. We just had our first complete conversation last night & look at us, we're already sleeping together. I'm just getting tired of one nights stands. Can you understand that?" She looked at him pleadingly with soulful brown eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear anyone say this was just a one night stand. I, for one, am very interested in more than just a roll in the sheets--or on the couch, for that matter. You, Mikayla Fitzgerald, appear to be an extremely complex woman & I want to take the time to get to know all about you, not just about your bedside manner. I happen to think the brain is the sexiest part of a woman."

"So, you're saying that when you were ogling me at the copier, you were actually staring at my brain? I guess you must have x-ray vision, then," she replied sarcastically.

Tim threw up his hands. "Okay, you've got me there. I'll admit it was your legs & hair that got my attention, but it's your brain that kept my attention."

"Thank you," she smirked, then leaned towards Tim & seductively whispered, "you don't know how long I've waited to hear someone say that. We may be onto something here. This may turn out to be something more than a one night stand, after all." She reached up, wrapped her arms around Tim & pulled him back on top of her. "Now, Detective Bayliss, why don't you just let me show you how sexy intelligence can be."

New Beginnings: Where it all started...
Redball: Next up, the only type of ball that can cause this much trouble...
Road Trip: A nice relaxing trip...leave your worries behind...
Just Desserts: My favorite part of every meal...dessert...
Revelations: Mik finds out that her beau has some miles on him...
Home: Take, take me home...