Playing Strong with IMAGINATION
Try this.
IMAGINE what it may be like to have INNOCENCE be strength.
Might someone cheer readily, in a place where innocence is admired
when a small child (or a grown up child) says with tearful eyes, "This is too hard!"
What SOUND would the wind blow, in a place like that? Would whirl winds come together to MOVE in dance in a circle and howl lovely songs, as 'round their circle they sontered?
Would there be a word for JOY, in this place where JOY was as easily accessable as a breath? Or would all the SOUNDS of GIBBERISH do just fine?
What an ethearial landscape might be there to be sensed by your senses!
Let Loose the Wild Child - She is JOY!
Joy is a reality. I ain't kiddin' ya! Make images of JOY.
Be brave enough to be silly.
On this page I set loose the Wild Child. She is brave.
She dares to be silly and to make mistakes. Her glory
is in small bits of beauty that a fast step might pass by.
And oh she cries and wails to celebrate the strong
emotions that a love of life sometimes gives one.
She may sound confusing, as she babbles her
native tongue - Gibberish. Yet , oh the joy of pure sound,
it carries the a straitforward message of the emotions
and is so pleasing on the tongue and lips. It is pure as
the sound of the howling wolf.
Yes, she is wild. Is that scarey? Wildness is just the natural,
essential you.Take the hand of the Wild Child and dance
in celebration of the part of creation that you are. Wea won
sona kalina soofoo. That's Gibberish for Wea won sona
kalina soofoo. Maybe by looking at that sentence again,
it might suggest something in the sounds that you are
used to in your 2nd language of English? WHAt? do you
question that Gibberish is your first language too? Everybody
speaks Gibberish.
Keep comin back to this site for more playtime suggestions.
GODDESS of BLISS S.M.I.LE. ing Exercises