News of the Bean

Coffee Bean Genes - A Yen for Caffeine May Be All in the Family

Listen up all...I found this while surfing.

If you’re running up a hefty tab at Starbucks (or the coffee temple of your choice...and who isnt?) lately, send the bill to your parents.

Someone with nothing better to do with their time than feel up a female monkey did a bit of coffee research. This new research shows that an individual’s genes, passed down from Mom and Dad, substantially influence whether that person becomes a caffeine fiend. (hehe...fiend? I like that one. I'm not a caffeine fiend...I'm a caffeine FREAK! there's a difference:)

While the research was done only on women, (I'd like to do some research on women too :) preferably a super gorgeous redhead *wink* *grin*) experts suspect it applies to men, too. (I'm sure it does. Can you say duh?!?!)

Nice image up there huh? DNA strands over a cup of coffee *gasp* it's a government conspiracy! the government is adding coffee plant DNA to our coffee! well, that might be a good thing, I would love to be permanently caffeinated but I draw the line at giving up my nuts for beans.

News of the Bean

May the Spirit of the Bean guide you upon your journey

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