News of the Bean

Nice chart huh? Does this stuff really surprise anybody out there? I didn't think so. All us hardcore caffeine fiends/freaks/addicts know where the juice is at! Of course this stuff is nuthin compared to my magick coffee...guaranteed to raise the dead if you pour it on their rotting corpse. here's my recipe...hehe, imagine that, a recipe for coffee.


Start like this...hop down to your nearest 7-11, Circle K or wherever you happen to be that stocks Water Joe and grab 2 or 3 bottles and take them home. Next pour them into the water resevoir on your coffee maker and lastly put in the filter and 6 scoups of coffee...I like a good french roast or columbian myself but whatever's good for you.

Let it brew.

Cream and Sugar (or not) to taste and prepare for an unparalelled caffeine rush the likes of which may put you in the hospital :P Anyway, this stuff is good for truckers, college students doing the cram boogie (yes, I used that word)and for anyone who wants to be up for several days without using crank but use caution, this brew isn't for the faint of heart or your heart might just faint...and I don't think taking another sip cures cardiac arrest...of course I've been wrong before. :)

News of the Bean

May the Spirit of the Bean guide you upon your journey

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