From this page, you will be able to access the character profiles for all of my RPG characters. These profiles will provide information on the characters. I have it divided into two sections: Currently Active characters, and No Longer Active characters. If the profile is in the "Currently Active", it means that I am still Role Playing that character on AOL. If the profile is in the "No Long Active" section, I have retired the char and am no longer Role Playing it.

Currently Active Characters

Captain Shining to-Ennien: (Sivaoan - AUS captain)
Jazzie: (golden retriever)
Allanien: (alicorn)
Tess: (werewolf)

Inactive Characters (Not *all* of my retired characters, but most of them.)

Sare Inle... a "Swift Moonrise": (rabbit)
Joyful: (velociraptor)
Eclipse Cat: (human <jedi in training>)
Saber: (akita)
Jenga T. Lupus: (wolf-dog)
Jinx Wolfe: (wolf)
Samantha Aries: (human kid)
Nickie: (siberian husky puppy)
Luck: (velociraptor)
The Cat: (cat)
Alexis: (baby girl)
Gaffer NightStorm: (griffin cub)
Captain SummerDream to-Allanien: (Sivaoan Starfleet Captain)
Twilight Dancer: (alicorn filly)
Falcon Child: (Throughbred racehorse)
Acinonyx Cheetahs: (cheetah Family)
Nyteglare: (cheetah)
~~€«Dreaming Øf £mbers»€~~: (chameleon dragon)
Annaca Terra Cat: (human)


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