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Queries: read the queries, and see if you can help someone with their brickwall.

Researchers Registry: come see who's working on what line!


We all, no matter how experienced we are at researching, come up against brickwalls. Those impossible ancestors who never seem to appear anywhere. Courthouse burn, Family Bibles are lost, and many other things happen. Every genealogist needs some help sometime, and the best way to get that help is to post a query, and hope that someone answers it.

On the pages that follow, are queries, post by POPE researchers. Please check these pages about once a week, as that is when I hope to be updating them. You might just find a cousin.

To send me your query to have it posted, email me at When sending in your query, please put POPE Query for the subject line.


You can submit yourself as a researcher for a line. If you have a lot of knowledge on a particular line of POPEs then submit yourself as a researcher for that line.

to do so, e-mail me at In your subject line put POPE RESEARCHER REGISTRY.

when sending in, put what line (not all just the progenitor,) Your name, e-mail address, and as an option, physical address, because some people may not have e-mail.