Porphyria Educational Services
Monthly Newsletter
February 2002
Analgesics are prescribed for giving effective pain
relief. At least that is the theory. Often
porphyrics still endure a life of ongoing pain.
Analgesics can be classified by the site of their action. There are three types:
[1] centrally acting; [2] peripherally acting; and [3] locally acting.
The centrally acting analgesics include both opiod analgesics and non-narcotic
agents such as Tramadol a.k.a. Ultram. In porphyria we must avoid the
Tramadol/Ultram non-narcotic pain medication because of the side effects of
seizures and being noted by some as a
"trigger" for acute attacks. It is also contraindicated with the use of some
medications for
seizures, muscle relaxants, pain and nausea.
It must be said that no one drug is perfect. Every drug known has its benefits and
at the same time has some risks involved with its use.
Healthcare medical providers must make a determination of which drug to use in any
given situation.
Often drugs are given to a patient and the medical provider then assesses the
individual patient's reaction to a specific drug.
With the porphyric patient, it is much better to use drugs that have been approved
for a
period of no less than five years. The reason for this is that it takes a couple of
years to
assess the general problems with any new pharmaceutical product. Porphyrics by the
nature of their disease need to be ever mindful of the use of drugs and double
check all
information on any drug prescribed for them whether it be oral, suppository,
injection or
The majority of drugs on the market today are newer drugs, and each years countless
numbers of new drugs and especially drug samples are left with medical care
providers to
give to patients to try out. Be care of such medications. Ask for and demand to
pharmaceuticals known to be safe for porphyrics. Even then, because each person is
different and has different sensitivities, a "safe" drug can not be tolerated by
Regardless of whether one uses a non-narcotic, an opiod, or NSAID, and informed
decision making in the prescribing of such drugs requires an understanding of the
pharmacology, efficacy and more importantly, the safety profile of these agents.
Every porphyric patient should familiarize themselves with the Porphyria UNSAFE
DRUG list. In addition to the endless list of drug names, one would be advised to state the
variables of each drug name, whether it be the generic, brand, trade or classification name
of a drug.
BuSpar for instance is known as busprione. It does not appear on any drug list, unsafe or
safe. However the classification is such that one would refuse to take the drug. BuSpar is
an antianxiety drug, a sedative. Most drugs dealing with the mental abnormalities such as
anxiety, or insomnia are unsafe for porphyrics.
For pain associated with inflammation an NSAID
is more often prescribed.
Cheryl "Little Flower" Nelson, R.N.
Patient Care Coordinator
Among the rarer forms of porphyria is that of
EPP [Erythropoietic Protoporphyria].
In the EPP there is an involvement of a defect in the hepatic cells, while in both the EPP
the cause of the porphyria is due to the a major enzymatic abnormality in the
erythropoietic system.
Before we begin, let us define some of the terms used. The prefix "erythro" is a combining
word meaning "red". "Erythrocytes" are red blood cells. So we are talking "red".
"Enzymes" are a protein that causes chemical reactions in living matter. Enzymes affect
the reactions that take place within the cells of our body.
In EPP the problem lies in the overproduction of protophyrin in the red blood cells as well
as in the liver cells. Other names that it has been known as are "protoporphyria" and
"erythrohepatic porphyria."
EPP is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The EPP is though to be due to partial
absence of the mitochrondial enzyme ferrochelatase, which is also called the heme
The most prominent feature of this disorder is the photosensitivity. This is thought to be
due to the increased levels of plasma protoporphyrin. Excess plasma protoporphyrin
results from the overproduction by the hepatocytes along with the
Unlike the hepatic porphyrias, protoporphyria [EPP] usually occurs in children younger
than four years of age. Whereas females are mostly active in the hepatic forms, it is the
males that are mostly affected with the EPP.
Symptomology of EPP includes burning and itching which are predominately triggered by
sunlight. The symptoms are often accompanied by edema, erythema [an abnormal increase
into the red blood cells], and /or urticaria [a skin eruption marked by transient wheals of
varying shapes and sizes]. 0ther symptoms which are less frequent are blisters and skin
The lesions will have reoccurrence as a result of chronic sun exposure which will lead to
scarring, altered pigmentation, lichenification, and the premature aging of the skin.
Lichenification is a thickening and hardening of the skin which often results from irritation
caused by repeated scratching of a lesion that is itching.
Another aspect of EPP is that there are increased amounts of protoporphyrin deposited in
the liver. There are as a rule, mild liver function abnormalities. Cirrhosis, liver failure, liver
transplantation, and hepatosplenomegaly are also noted as well.
Some EPP patients have a manifestation of gallstones. About half of the EPP patients have
a mild hypochromic, microcytic anemia. Some hemolysis may also be present.
A more severe form of protoporphyria occurs if both parents are heterozygous. The
offspring inherit two defective genes. As of 1996 there were at least eleven different EPP
mutations found. In EPP the majority of carriers are asymptomatic.
The diagnosis of EPP is usually made by combining the history and familial occurrence
and the increased levels of stool and erythrocyte protoporphyrin. In the testing of the
samples the erythrocytes fluoresce on exposure to the Soret band.
Prevention of EPP symptoms is the avoidance of sunlight.. The avoidance of sun will help
to prevent the irreversible scarring. Intervention therapy is the ingestion of beta carotene.
What the beta carotene does is to help with the reaching of blood levels high enough to
diminish photosensitivity. Sometimes the use of pyridoxine has been advocated, however
the drug does not alter porphyrin metabolism.
Dr. Robert Johnson M.D.
Retired Clinician
Dioxins: One of the multitude of chemical toxins that affect porphyria patients is that of
dioxin. What is dioxin?
Dioxin is a colorless, odorless organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
and chlorine.
The term dioxin refers to a broad family of chemicals, which differ from one another by
the location and number of chlorine atoms on the molecule.
Dioxin has a high affinity for fatty substances and is found adhered to or dissolved in fat
tissue, where it can accumulate. In porphyrics the dioxin will remain in the fat while one is
in remission. When dieting, losing weight or profusely sweating, the chemical toxins
stored in the fat become released. These toxins then trigger acute attacks of porphyria.
How are humans exposed to dioxin?
There are innumerable ways that people can be exposed to dioxin. For most people such
exposure at mild levels is not harmful. However for porphyrics even mild exposure can be
most detrimental.
Dioxin is an unintended byproduct of natural events such as volcanoes and forest fires as
well as man-made processes such as manufacturing, incineration, paper and pulp
bleaching, and exhaust emissions.
In the Pacific Northwestern United States there are higher incidents of chemical toxins
involving dioxin. It has been speculated for some time that the higher incidence can be
traced to the use of chemical toxins that released in the lumber mills and the manufacturing
of paper products.
Dioxin is ubiquitous in the environment: it is found throughout the industrialized world in
air, water, soil as well as in food. Exposure to dioxin can come through working in
industries where dioxin is a byproduct, industrial accidents, through food and human
breast milk and in drinking water.
It must be pointed out that skin contact or breathing represent very small sources of dioxin
How does dioxin get into the food chain?
Dioxin can enter the food supply through a number of different routes. In fish, the primary
route of exposure is through water. Fish taken from streams downstream from paper mills
can be largely suspect for chemical toxins.
Plants and animals are exposed to dioxin primarily through particulate in the air. Airborne
particles of dioxin settle on forage or feed, which is then eaten by animals. This accounts
for dioxin traces being found in milk.
Dioxin concentrates in the fatty tissues of beef and dairy cattle, poultry, pork or seafood.
Theoretically, the longer the life span of an animal, the higher potential accumulation of
dioxin in its adipose tissue.
Washing of fresh produce is a must. Dioxin particles that settle on fruits and vegetables as
a result of airborne exposure are removed by washing; dioxin does not become systemic in
the plant or food source.
How much dioxin is contained in beef?
Since the 1950's, the beef industry has made significant strides in responding to public
health goals to reduce consumption of dietary fat. For example, leaner cattle are being
bred and today's beef has less trimmable fat, and some the meat has zero trimmable fat.
Improvements also have
occurred in the production and sale of pork and poultry.
What happens to dioxin when consumed by humans?
Dioxin is stored in human adipose tissue.
Scientists recognize that the effects of dioxin vary widely among different animal species.
Humans are less susceptible to the consequences of dioxin exposure than many of the
animal species tested in laboratories.
Most research in humans has involved populations involved in occupational or accidental
exposures of dioxin several thousand times higher than normal such as the residents of
Seveso, Italy.
What is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doing to reduce dioxin exposures?
FDA has worked with the paper industry to establish a voluntary guideline for lowering
dioxin levels in paperboard used for food packaging, such as milk cartons. The agency is
also developing new analytic methodologies to improve dioxin monitoring.
People and especially those who are porphyric who want to minimize their potential
exposure to dioxin in the diet should follow advice to consume a low-fat, balanced diet.
This includes:
1. Selecting lean cuts of beef, pork and poultry in the meat case;
2. Trimming and discarding fat from beef, poultry or seafood before eating, including
any skin;
3. Choosing low-fat dairy products; and
4. Eating moderate portions of a wide variety of foods.
It is well to remember that Dioxins are only one of a large host of chemical toxins that can
trigger acute attacks in porphyrics or cause extreme sensitivities for MCS patients.
Dr. Roger Haakensen
Environmental Medicine
ANTISACER is a brand name for the generic drug PHENYTOIN. Another name is
DILANTIN. It is an antiepileptic drug. It is related to barbiurates in chemical structure.
The liver is the chief site of biotransformation of phenytoin; patients with impaired liver
function and porphyria should not take this drug.
LORAT is a brand name for the generic drug LORAZEPAM. It is a
It is used as an antianxiety drug, a sedative and as a hypnotic. Disorientation, depression,
nausea, change in appetite, headache, sleep disturbance, agitation, dermatological
symptoms, eye-function disturbance, together with various gastrointestinal symptoms and
autonomic manifestations can
occur with the use of this drug.
Transient amnesia or memory impairment has been
reported in association with the use of benzodiazepines. Drug dependence and withdrawl
symptoms may occur.
This drug is not recommended for use in patients with a primary depressive disorder or
The drug is metabolized in the liver. Patients should have periodic blood counts and
liver-function tests are recommended for patients on long-term therapy. This drug is not
recommended for patients with liver disease.
UROPLUS is a brand name for the generic drug combination of
SULFAMETHOXAZOLE and TRIMETHOPRIM. It contains sulfa as an ingredient. The
drug carries a warning against use in persons with the disease porphyria.
XANAX is a brand name for the generic drug ALPRAZOLAM and is a part of the drug
classification of BENZODIAZEPINES. The following adverse events have been reported
in association with the use of benzodiazepines: dystonia, irritability, concentration
difficulties, anorexia, transient amnesia
or memory impairment, loss of coordination, fatigue, seizures, sedation, slurred speech,
jaundice, musculoskeletal weakness, pruritus, diplopia, dysarthria, changes in libido,
menstrual irregularities,
incontinence, and urinary retention This drug has a warning on withdrawal reactions
including seizures
and dependence. The drug is metabolized in the liver. There is a warning concerning use
in patients with liver disease.
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