The people Of Cephiro

    Here you can find the people of Cephiro my friends my family my foes
everyone that is in Cephiro. They are here if you click on them and they are not complete rember that 
they are out on adventures...from time to time.
  So please enjoy

Friends, Foes,Family..loved ones

Princess emeraude: The Pilliar
Sol Zagato: the High Priest
Mokona: cute fuzzy
Guru Clef: the Mage
Alicione: The Witch
Ascot: The Summoner
Presia: the Blacksmith
Ferio: Traveler
Hikaru: the magic Knight of Fire
Umi: The magic Knight of Water
Fuu: The Magic Knight of Air
Inova: friend and monster

This is enough tell Mokona to send me back to the begining:
tell me how I can choose one of these charcters to play:
Anime Web turnpikes R section..: Here you can find the rayearth section and otheres