The Mighty Kunzite

::smiles galore::Kunzite my sec.fav King also might I add Zoisite and Kunzite are my favorite's from Bishojo Senshi SailorMoon.or any show for that matter ^_^Another drool worthy King...Is it they way he wears his shirt open?No..maybe the hair,or the eyes?'s the cape!It's gotta be the cape!But then I again.......Er,um anyways Kunzite is the most powerfull of them all infact I think with how his powers get stronger every...what..Minute?That he could have EASILY defeated SailorMoon in the cave that one fatefull day,infact I bet he could waste queen Beryl if only she didn't have that obedience spell on him...As far as his birthday goes,I don't remember the date exactly.But I do remember that he was a pisces((And I'm a sucker for Pisces men))He is very calm and isn't angered easily,but when it comes to Zoisite,as you can guess Zoisite is his "weak" spot.And after Zoisite's death he became very easily tempered especialy with that oh so annoying Prince Edymion!I'm actually glad he got killed cause now he can be with Zoisite and they can live on together in the stars and as always,in our hearts .