I would rather fight with you than "just get along" with someone
I didn't love.
Being with her is so much better than...not being with her.
Sex fills up the empty holes inside me.
-Extremely dumb girl on Sally
If every word I said could make you laugh I'd talk forever.
-Jesse on Full House
Everything you love adds up to something even better.
I'm not lost. I'm right where I'm standing. Unfortunatley, where
I am standing might be lost.
I couldn't believe it...that sex was just this thing people had-
like a rash or a rottweiler.
When he is nearby, my entire body knows it.
It was like a horrible car wreck. You just had to look.
It's not that I want to die. I just wish I'd never been born.
-Jennifer Gibbs
All men are 3 men- what he thinks he is, what others think he is,
and what he really is.
Besides this being the best day of our lives, its also a day all
-Scary Spice
Your iron bars trap me tighter within my cage.
Confined by cloth and custom.
Dearest bra.
-Molly Cochran
Life. Part of the rule is that you have to live on.
-Luan Huynh
MTV stands for my time is very valuable.
-Will Smith
A very important person i forgot to thank--me. Cause without me
none of this would have ben possible.
-Will Smith
Get your ass to church, NOW!
-Chris Rock
First grade is hard and they don't give you juice
but Elmo is going to first grade. Elmo is no quitter.
I tried to love her but she never loved me so bye-bye.
-Weezer boy
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
-Janis Joplin
If you wanna hold someone, you gotta hold them like its your
last day on earth.
-Janis Joplin
Ever been mmmbopped by a real woman?
I hate the world but love life.
-Hillary's friend Ben from Montreat '96
Love is the same as like except you feel sexier.
-Judith Viorst
While it is a misfortune for a woman never to be loved,
it is a tragedy for her never to love.
-Dorothy Dix
We had alot in common. I loved him, and he loved me.
-Shelley Winters
are you sane? You can't get a crush on Brad Pitt!
-Gwenyth Paltrow
Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without the
moon or stars.
-George Orwell
He said the first thing he noticed about you was
your great personality. He lied.
-ad for Lee jeans
You know you'll develop a bizarre speech impediment when
you're around the boy you've decided you're in love with.
A kiss is just a kiss....or is it?
-"Can I Kiss You?"
It's only awkward because it's him.
-"Can I Kiss You?"
I'd still sort of hurt to look at him and have this wistfulness
as though in a sense he's mine, but not really.
-"Can I Kiss You?"
It's a powerless feeling, to love him so much.
-"Can I Kiss You?"
He's like that and I love him so much for it.
-"Can I Kiss You?"
pads+tampons+tape=major mortification.
Whoever dies with the most shoes wins.
But I bet my lucky bra...
Sweet wild woman child
You dance through this world with such ease
You fill my very soul with a California breeze.
Never jugde a relationship unless you're the one wrapped up
in its arms.
Heaven must be a beautiful place with you in it.
-story from "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul"
I lost him. I never had him.
-story from "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul"
Four legs good, two legs bad.
-"Animal Farm"