Win My Award


I am taking applications for this award, but it will moslt likely take me a while to get back to the applicants about the award winners. Sorry, school takes up a lot of time.

Want to win my award?

There are, however, a few rules.
1)Your page must be Sailor Moon based.
2)It must be suitabe for people of all ages.
3)It has to have good, correct information.
4)It doesn't hurt if you have a few (or a lot) of little known facts.
5)The page has to have an exquisiteness about it, (magna pics will really help in this category).
6)You have to enter by e-mail to be eligible, and the subject must be "award" or the entry will be null and viod, so be careful.
7)All links and pics should be functional
8)It should be rather fast loading
9)It's not required, but it might help if you sign my guestbook

I will choose a winner any where from one week to three weeks, or until I find a page that is truly worthy of this award. There are so many people who give out awards for just about anything, so this award is going to be rather hard to get. I will be adding some new awards soon (that'll most likelier be easier to win) very soon, so come back!

Trang Bui - Mystical Moon awarded January 14th 1998

Rica - Senshi Haven awarded January 10th 1999.

This Ring of Moonie Awards site is owned by
Owner of:
Princess^Pluto's Award of Splendor

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