The Mystery of Murder

The millionaire's body lied dead on the floor, he had been shot six times in the chest. A witness said she saw a person with dark, longhair, approximately 5'2" tall, and weighing 115 pounds fleeing the sceene of the crime. The millionaire's name was Jon Reid.

The Police had three people in custody; Keith MacDonald, Kristen Warchulski, and a side show preformer named Braydon Labelle, but he was no help because he kept telling everyone to shut up and kept hitting on the officers. To everyone's surprise, Officer Hoxie actually liked it.

The woman running the morgue, Dr. Karen Hett, was wondering what could have happened to Mr. Reid because the bullet wounds were not what killed him. Dr. Hett was also a little distracted by the thoughts of a certain police officer which often clouded her mind. Dr. Hett found that Mr. Reid was killed by poisoning, not by gun shot wounds. Dr. Hett went to see the chemist, a Dr. Jenn Graves, to get her input on the case. Dr. Graves' eyes were so blood shot, it looked like she was smoking a dube a minute before hand.

Dr. Graves sipped at her Chubby, "It's a complete mystery," she said. "It's unlike any other substance I've ever worked with before."

Meanwhile, Officer Hoxie was holding the suspects in jail. "Mr. Labelle," he called.

"Yeah, what do you want," was Braydon's response.

"I want to know why you haven't been arrested before," Officer Hoxie demanded.

Mr. Labelle shouted, "What would I have been arrested for? I've never commited a crime in my life!"

"I tend to disagree, Mr. Labelle," Officer Hoxie shot back. "We've had several complaints against you for sexual assault from nine members of the Westlane Concert Band. Officer Hoxie paused. That's strange, there's a complaint here from a Ryan Sills." Officer Hoxie was puzzled.

You shut your mouth, old man, or I'll....." Braydon started but he was cut off when Officer Moore walked in the room with a message.

"Mrs. Warchulski," Officer Moore stated, "you have a visitor."

It was her husband, Robert. He walked in carrying a white box in his hands. "I'm bustin' you out of here, Kristen," he whispered to her. "I can't stand to see you in there like that."

"No, Rob," Kristen protested, "there's no need. I didn't do it. I'm innocent."

Rob looked at Kristen with wonder. "Are you kidding me. You've wanted to kill Reid for years," he said.

"Yes, I know. He caused me so much pain and suffering in my life. I still don't believe he tried to stop our wedding, but I didn't do it. I didn't kill Jon Reid!"

"Okay, okay, I beieve you," Rob insisted, "but what the hell am I supposed to do with this revolver I baked into this cake?!"

Before Kristen could answer, Dr. Hett and Dr. Graves rushed in and informed the police the results of the autopsy. "Jon Reid was poisoned," Dr. Hett announced. "I'm not sure of the exact nature of the poision, but I believe it was a kind of rat poision."

Just then, over the police, scanner a murder had been reported, and Officer Hoxie and Officer Moore were called out to the Old Garner House on Alpine Drive. Chris Garner had been found dead with a drum mallet clutched in his right hand.

As the police arrived on the scene, Dr. Hett and Dr. Graves rode over in the Chemist-Mobile. They wanted to get to the scene before any other medical examiners did. They wanted to be the ones who examined Chris' body. They had known Chris since they were in the school band together in high school. (I've been told that the band really kicked ass the year they played at Disney Magic in Florida). Dr. Graves rushed over to the body to examine it. Dr. Graves' first thought that Chris had died of an overdose while counting the ceiling tiles in his living room. Despite the numerous gun shot injuries to his lower back and abdomen, Dr. Graves still believed that Chris died of an overdose.

While the officers were investigating the crime, they had foolishly left the jail cells unattended. Braydon's ex-wife, Michelle, a beautiful woman with curly blonde hair, snuck in when the police officers had left the station. Michelle easily took the keys to the cell and let Braydon and Keith out. Michelle, being a friend of Kristen's since grade school, tried to convince her to escape as well. When Kristen refused, Michelle fled with Braydon and Keith. Kristen stayed behind because she knew she didn't kill Jon Reid. At least, she didn't think she did.

Kristen's eye's began to wander around the dimly lit cell as she tried to recall that fateful night. Kristen thought to herself..." I was on my way home from a party, half in the bag. I stumbled my way along when Rob came along in the car to drive me home. I noticed that he was more drunk than I was, so I decided to walk. The next thing I remembered, Rob was pulling into Jon's driveway. I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't that fast sseing as I could barely walk. I saw Jon's dead body on the floor and Rob was holding a revolver in his hand. I ran home and fainted on the floor. Rob woke me up in the morning.....I thought it had all been a dream."

Kristen came back to reality with a snap. Realizing that the cell was still unlocked, she decided to go to the Old Garner House and explain the whole ordeal to the Police.

Kristen arrived just as Dr. Graves and Dr. Hett were placing Chris on a stretcher. She explained that she saw her own husband with the murder weapon in his hand, and she ran out of fear. That was why she fit the description of the person seen leaving the scene of the crime. Everything seemed to fall in place, except that soon Kristen's beloved husband would soon be in jail.

Just then, Officer Hoxie walked in screaming, "What about Chris Garner, he's still dead!" Everyone looked at one another. There was still no evidence on who shot him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, David Chubb, the local Opera conductor, walked in.

"I killed Garner," David admitted, "I can't stand that man," he said "he was the reason we only won silver at Music Fest!"

Everyone laughed. They all had the same belief as David. With all the laughing going on, no one realized that Chris was immune to the drugs, and that they only put him in a temporary coma. His eyes opened, and with one last ounce of energy he plunged off the stretcher and flew towards Dr. Hett. He repeatedly stabed her in the head with his pocket knife. Dr. Graves pronounced her dead on the scene.

Dr. Hett was taken to the hospital for further analysis, and her condtion was upgraded to alive. She decided to press charges. Chris Garner was charged with attempt at Murder. Miraculously, despite his stab wounds, he survived to serve a twenty five year sentence. Robert Warchulski's charges were dismissed by plea of temporary insanity brought on by excessive drinking. His wife, Kristen, was glad to have him home. David Chubb was charged with assault and attempt at murder, but the charges were dropped because the judge, Judge Gwen Stickney, agreed with David that he deserved it because of him causing the Westlane Concert Band to only win a silver medal. Braydon Labelle turned to a life of crime.....he continued to sexually assault members of the Westlane Concert Band. Each time he was arrested, he hit on the police officers. Officer Hoxie continued to like it. All lived happily ever after, except for Chris Garner because he never learned how to keep a hold of the soap in the shower.

The End