Enyo, cat of Mars.

He's a gloomy cat with a heart of gold . . .

Luna  Animated!

Enyo, cat of Mars. Enyo is the first in the line of Cats of Mars. He is advisor to Cindy Burnford/Neo-Sailor Mars during the Crystal Millennium. He was specially selected for this position by the Council of Counsels and Max Burnford/Mars Knight himself.

Enyo is a very nice guy, but he has a tendency to be pessimistic. Whenever something bad happens, he's always there to say, "I told you so," and when good things happen he's always there to say, "It won't last." Although he may not be the best for morale, Enyo means well, and whatever the case (whether he's being gloomy, or slightly less gloomy) he always thinks of others first. Everyone loves Enyo. Even though he's gloomy, he's very lovable, and no one can really find it in their heart to dislike Enyo. Diana especially. Amazingly it's this chipper lead kit who eventually pairs with doomsday Enyo.

If you're looking for some realism, pick Enyo!

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