Pan, cat of Persephone.

He's a lovable scamp . . .

Luna  Animated!

Pan, cat of Persephone. Pan is the first in the line of Cats of Persephone. He is advisor to Twig Hollins/Neo-Sailor Persephone during the Crystal Millennium. He was specially selected for this position by the Council of Counsels and Terra Brown/Sailor Ceres herself.

Pan is the quintessential practical jokester. He's always being silly, pulling faces, making idiotic jokes and doing everything else that he thinks will earn him a laugh. However much Pan may want to get a laugh out of something, he never does at the cost of other's feelings. He's not malicious at all. As nice as he is, Pan doesn't like high and mighty Ganymede (the feeling is reciprocated) or busy-body Gaea (the feeling is also reciprocated). He does however love Maia, and he's good friends with both Enyo and Cytherea (not to mention Diana).

If you're in the mood for a whole lot of fun, pick Pan!

Adopt Pan!

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