Mark* (sigh)... what a rad guy.

It'll take a while..

Well I probably posted this a year ago,and I still haven't gotten a damn job.I don't think I can legally.Maybe when I get a job I'll set 5% for a trophy.Now everyone's saying how Mark's the "front man" and harrasssing me about the other members, so from now on I'll try to even this out.The other sites aren't doing this,but their helping i hope.(Come on yall.It'll be fun!).Tom & Travis will get one too.Kelly said she knew a place to get soccer trophys.Maybe a plaque or something. Mark deserves it; he's such a nice guy! #1!Or maybe if They let me sell tee-shirts (non-profit for me).Hopefully I can still sell em cheap & have enough to have the trophy's made.It's a hassale though,I mean it could be illegal.It's extra touble.I dunno maybe.I'm not sure what the heck she drew,but I really loved that one idea from Spam about Mark w/ his bass and chicks passing out nearby him.Kinda funny,I mean he's rad and all,but i think it was a bit exagerated.

Here are a few suggestions from M&M's members & friends for the trophy:
I deleted some.I guess rereading stuff,made me think."Geez this sounds idiotic"
The "Ability 2 jump really high while playing bass,and impress chicks" award!
THe "I'm HOT Stuff" award!
Chick Magnet
Most innovative bass player
A New hope
a new hope, cuz that song rocks all other songs, and Mark is the greatest~Buldog7122
How about "the most beautiful man on the face of the earth" award?BRUINBaby3
" Mark kicks ass" award--submitted by SniperJZ1

Suggestions?:Shove it is no longer an option!=o)
Mark Shrine.:If you don't know what this means,your a dork w/ big ears!