North Dakota Officially Unrecognized by Congress.

Washington, DC-In an unexpected move, the Senate refused to officially recognize the two senators from North Dakota. "It's not like we snubbed the poor guys or anything," said Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, "We liked them but we could never figure out why they were always at the Senate during sessions of Congress. We just forgot that North Dakota existed."

"This outrages us," said the senators. "It's bad enough when tourists come in to our fine state every year asking where Mount Rushmore is and for us to have to tell them that it's in South Dakota."

"It was bound to happen," says Irving Rosenzweig of the National Center for Statistical Analysis. "According to our demographics and surveys, North Dakota is the state that's most forgotten at geography bees, and is followed by South Dakota, Oregon, and Rhode Island. Perhaps their lack of an identity is contagious- they do, after all, border Canada."