Volume:       18

1.  Children

2.  Spit Out

3.  The Bitter

4.  Pills

5.  Yet

6.  Do

7.  Adults

8.  Swallow

9.  In the Name

10. Of

11. Martyrdom

12. Fouling

13. The Earth

14. In anger

15. That Destroys

16. Happiness

17. In Living

18. From the Spirit

From    the    Spirit

Paralysing - from the very centre of one’s being
- was controlling 'fear’.
Inhibiting every thought & action,
it celebrated with tears.
Unrecognisable to the body,
which fought the only way it knew.
Battling a disease of the mind
with the immune ‘cleanup crew’.

Fear was also denied by the brain;
usually capable.
And the heart, beat double time
to outrun the inescapable.
The confident shell fooled everyone,
except her other half.
Whose attempts to gain access,
always lead to a side path.

Contributing factors were everywhere
but, not what is blamed.
For we are what we make ourself;
we control life’s game.
So, when it came down to basics
what was needed was a prod.
A helping hand to provide the tools;
albeit, most call God.

It came in the form of a proposed affirmation,
the mind wrote the words.
To be milked daily by the heart;
the pain created curds.
Weighed by the shock,
fact from fear was the separation
still, desire for completion was recognised;
creating needed inspiration.

Fasting - the internal journey
into reasoning - started.
With persistence the defeating mechanisms
of the past, departed.
A difficult journey fraught with
resurgence & occasional merit.
But, steadily rewarding day to day - 
a gift from the spirit.

If you came this far,

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You might as well continue to 'Puckisms'
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